Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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In The 'Eve' Of Things

Why would it matter where he was, well he had stayed on Aldeeran to check the planet out, though to much was happening on the planet, so he was under the radar big time. He had seen his new found friend only a few weeks ago, and already he didn't want to be here anymore with the deals going on, the planet was in somewhat bad shape.
Hiding out in a small cabin only a few miles out of the city's reach, he sat crossed legged, meditating.
[member="Romeo Sin"]

Eve arrived only her arrival was marked by the sound of a speeder as she made her way to the door and made a quick knock. She had assumed Alexandra's identity, not that it was hard and the only one's that could truly tell withough thinking she was surpressing her force signature or was in disguise would be those closest to Alexandra... this man from what she knew was not such.
Being interrupted in the middle of his meditating, he quickly stood up, and drew his saber. No one truly knew he was here, and that meant someone was here that shouldn't. He couldn't sense anyone at the door, but he heard the speeder, he heard the knock, so what was going on? When he finally go to the door, and cracked it open, he saw Alex, which surprised the hell out of him.
"Alex?? Hurry, get in." He said gently pulling her into the door. To him she seemed a little younger looking though he assumed it was the lighting in the cabin.
"What's going on Alex?" He couldn't feel her presence in the force, which was strange, her force aura was like a bright light in his eyes, but...there was nothing.
-Is she hiding from someone?- He though to himself. [member="Eve"]
[member="Romeo Sin"]

"Is something wrong mister Sin?" She crossed her hands behind her and watched him carefully, not even seeming to realize that he was curious about why she had aboslutely no force Aura. "Perhaps you have been busy of late?"
Romeo eyes squinted, unsure what was going. "Nothing is wrong Alex, but your..different." He said as he walked back to his sitting spot. When he sat down, he looked up, and spoke again. "What can I do for you Alex? To what do I owe the honor having you come look for me?" [member="Eve"]
[member="Romeo Sin"]

"Simple, i wanted to know if a deal could be made between friends, my need to improve the reach of my company is what i come to ask of your aid in such. Simply, i wish to see if you would be interested in the acquisition of some droids from my company for a careful price, most are rebuilt models at this moment, though i can assure you all of them are of quality make."
"Really now? How interesting..." He said studying the supposed Alex before him. Something was off about her, she wasnt her strange self. Alex did not exactly speak like this person, nor did her body language match the Alex he knew. Alex was formal to an extent, but not so formal as this. This person reminded him of a totally different person, and he wasnt sure how to go about this.
"So..droids? I'll take them for your asking price. I'll even throw in a squadron of my new BlackFire starfighters as a friendly gift. Their based off Revan's Sith starfighters, but smaller, and faster." He observed the woman before him.
He was curious as to what was up with her, and with a educated guess he made a decision.
"So...who are you really? You're not Alex, Alexandra Cinthra doesnt speak with such...normal ways, nor does she stand with such elegance, and proper positions. In fact, not once did she ever speak like a business woman, and I doubt her demeanor would change for any reason, but her lover." He said leaning back on his hands. [member="Eve"]
[member="Romeo Sin"]

"You are as smart as she said, my name is Eve, Alexandra's double show too say... what gave away that i wasn't her?" She sat down and smiled at the man, a bit more relaxed but still very formal in the way she sat and in her speech still.
Romeo chuckled. "I remember you Eve, were smaller, and not in a body." He said tilting his head. "First off you look much younger than Alex. Speaking of which I dont know how old she is..but the fact remains you look younger. You're mannerisms are off, Alex would have sat with me, or looked around the cabin talking in a more philosophical way about air." He joked.
"You already looked tense, why would Alex look tense around me? Where is she Eve? What's going on?" He said with a curious shine in his eyes. Romeo on the side was a information broker, and thus asked questions, and noticed all he could. [member="Eve"]
[member="Romeo Sin"]

"Gone, taken by bounty hunters and likely rotting in a cell at the moment... sorry but im also blunt. I suggest you go to one Darth Tsolan if you want more information but i have a job to do. That job is the very reason i made the deal with you just now, the maintaining and expansion of Cinthrin Cybernetics." She reached down and grabbed a canteen, drinking from it.
"Why didn't you come get me sooner Eve!!??" He said quickly standing up. His face showed anger, and already his hands were heating up from a power called Convection.
Had he stayed he could have helped, instead he walked around, and went sight seeing. He walked over to a wall, and hit it in anger. Through this, fire burst from huh hand, and left a black scorch mark.
"Damn it!" he looked down. "You need to expand the company?...we can use those droid for keeping guard at the mining colonies..." [member="Eve"]
[member="Romeo Sin"]

"Nothing you could have done, you should have seen her lover when he came looking for me, your anger is a fraction of what he showed and there isn't much more he knows than you do minus what she had had planned from the get go. Now onto those droids, i think i can get some older models up and running for your mines, i assume stun weaponry?"
" the miners are droids. Kill will be fine.
Eve what bounty hunters? Who would want Alex?" He turned and looked at Eve. "Of course...the man would destroy me in a fight..though I know what to do."
He sat back down next to Eve. "You need water?" [member="Eve"]
[member="Romeo Sin"]

"Im fine, thank you for the offer though mister Sin." She smiled and listened as he had said the things before, replaying the words. Kill is fine, ha... He is an unexpected person compared to the normal crowd that Alexandra had dealt with, and she was curious wht this man was so different from the others. "Why are you and Alexandra friends?"
Romeo titled his head at her. "Because we are able to get along with each other, and were different compared to normal people I suppose." He leaned forward resting his arms on his knees.
"Why did you just drink water?" [member="Eve"]
[member="Romeo Sin"]

"Not water, no." She rubbed her chin and looked at the man very carefully before smiling. "I can see why she spoke highly of you, so tell me about this deal that we can make here?" She rested her chin in her hand.
"What are we looking at? How many droids are you offering?" He said eyeing the water cantine. "What's in the bottle then? I'm quite confused drank from that bottle...what does a AI with a body drink?" [member="Eve"]
[member="The Shadow King"]

"As many as you so desire, i simply need a plant to manufacture them from and payment for their creation and they are yours, most of the models though are older ones that the patents have expired on, but soon there will be ones made just for you. As for the drink, its rum, been trying to feel what being drunk is like now that i have a body that can do that... im not drunk now granted, but maybe later."

"You could make one in the safety of my planet. There you could do whatever pleases you with said plant. And how old are we talking? Old Republic? New Republic? GAG?"
she was trying to get drunk?
"Well...the little things matter I guess."
[member="The Shadow King"]

"All eras of the far past in which i have had to construct Magnadroids, Krath War Droids, and even some old B-2 battle droids that had been used long ago during the clone wars. I would like to get some of the original designs out though and your group can have first pickings at them, hopefully they will be all that you require."

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