Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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In the Meadows (Ask before joining)

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
[member="Darth Arcanix"] [member="Solan Charr"]

"I hope so too." She sighed. Having had the absolute worst company luck of anyone in the galaxy, what with the razing, seizing, stealing, threatening, and other things that had happened to her, she had little else to do but to keep trying. Eventually, she would succeed. Eventually, she would finally achieve what it was she wished for originally.

She paused for a moment, not saying much about the graves of Taeli's parents, but slowly, she turned her head to the woman. "If it's alright with you, I'd like to come with you and pay my respects. Seeing as they created a woman as capable as you... They more than deserve it."
[member="Enigma"] [member="Solan Charr"]

"No disrespect meant, Circe, but I'd rather do that myself," Taeli replied. "It's a rather personal thing and I'd like to be alone for that trip."

She would pay her respects to them, she had accepted their passing, even if it hurt every day. That pain would fade eventually, she knew that, and it would be replaced by remembrance. She needed to get going regardless, other matters were going to be pressing for her attention now.

"Solan, Circe, I should be off, I've got business to attend to," she said, stretching a bit and pulling out a datapad and she did indeed have a back log of reports to look over. "Solan, if you ever need to get in contact with me for something, my comm code has just been uploaded to your comlink. Circe, you already have that."

With that, Taeli turned and left those two to talk on the hill. She had a few things to get ready after all.

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