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Private In the Shadow of an Iron Sun

In the Shadow of an Iron Sun


"Information is a commodity. It can be traded, sold, and purchased. And in the end, credits are only as useful as the secrets they can buy."
-- Darth Bane.

Tags: Antipater Antipater
Location: Voss, Voss system, Empire of the Lost.


New Imperial Security Bureau
Order and Invitation to Iron Sun Intelligence
Stardate 040624.
The New Imperial Security Bureau, based within the territories of the Empire of the Lost, shall invite Iron Sun Intelligence in regards to the creation of a diplomatic embassy based within the Capital of Lianna, located within the Tion Cluster, Sector: Allied Tion Sector.

The Empire- seeking to meet with like minded organisations, factions and individuals- proposes to Moff Antipater the creation of a pact signifying the beginning of diplomatic relations between the Empire of the Lost, and the Iron Sun Intelligence, to be negotiated in person on the planet Voss under the Imperial rule of Moff Maldor Mecetti.

To signify this new venture and proposed pact between our respective people the New Imperial Security Bureau shall invest in the acquisition of several products displayed by Iron Sun Intelligence herein their catalogue for immediate purchase, and transportation to NISB Headquarters located therein Lianna City upon the Capital planet of Lianna.

I look forward to meeting with you in person.
Alicia Drey,
Staff Director of the New Imperial Security Bureau.

N I S B // I R O N S U N I N T E L L I G E N C E
Order & Purchases

*Subject to through testing of the product, and security evaluation to be performed in person on the planet Voss.

Some days ago the Director of the New Imperial Security Bureau, on behalf of the Empire of the Lost, had written a letter to Antipater Antipater : a member of the Imperial Ruling Council of the Dark Empire. The letter itself was a request for fifty droids, an administrative computer, and a desire to meet on the Imperial held system of Voss for a demonstration of the products ordered and to negotiate an arrangement with Iron Sun Intelligence: a state owned corporation operating on the world of Jaemus. The meeting was set to occur in an Imperial stronghold under the command of Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti : the ruler of Voss, and secretly, the Sith Apprentice of a Sith Lord called Darth Ayra.

The order and subsequent purchase of the Myrmidon and Supplicant droids, as well as the Vestal Supercomputer, were mere in-roads to gain a meeting with Antipater. Alicia sought to court favour with the 'dark' Imperials and those who sat upon the Imperial Ruling Council of Carlac: the capital of the Dark Empire. With the Core Wars now set to begin in earnest- first through the invasion and subsequent annexation of Tython to the inevitable conquest of Galactic Centre on Coruscant- presented an opportunity for diplomatic relations between those of a likened mind now that the Galactic Alliance were besieged by the 'dark' Imperials and the band of Sith sects situated to the south based out of Jutrand.

While Emperor Fossk (secretly Darth Solipsis) would undoubtedly deny the proclamation of Emperor Kilran (ruler of the so called Empire of the Lost) and therefore his subjects would be in agreement with him- both ideologically, and politically- Alicia understood that the ambitions and desires of those who existed under the thumb of the elite, such as the likes of Fossk or Kilran, were not always aligned to their Masters. Indeed, there was an appeal to rationality and common sense that went missing in the ideological and political battlescape. There were 'two' major powers in the Galaxy with the idealisms and ideology of Imperialism separated and divided geographically, culturally and politically but nevertheless the idea of the "Imperial" were retained in core rationality, and functionality on both sides.

As such there was an appeal to the idea of a unification. What if these so called 'dark' and 'lost' Imperials could come together against common foes? What would the consequences be for their enemies?

The fact that Antipater was a droid gave Alicia insight that such arguments for diplomatic relations between both the 'dark' and 'lost' Imperials were favourable for both sides. Every political movement begun somewhere. So the arrangements had been set for Antipater and Alicia to meet on Voss to discuss business; to demonstrate the products of Iron Sun Intelligence; and negotiate an arrangement between the pair to carry favour on both sides.

In the sleek crisp white uniform of the NISB Staff Director Alicia stood in the shadow of the stronghold's northern walls. The designated landing zone was situated over a valley which overlooked the barren landscape of the Voss homeworld. Mecetti- ever the functional man- had taken to incorporate the Voss was part of his staff and several of them stood at attention near the LZ while they waited for the arrival of Moff Antipater.
Machines Making Machines


The shuttle that eventually touched down was nondescript: a refurbished but unadorned Lambda. Credits were a precious resource for the Jaemus Authority, so there was little sense in procuring something nicer. Its passenger did not require or even desire much in the way of amenities anyway. One of the many benefits of a purely mechanical existence.

The boarding ramp lowered, and the droid Moff descended - flanked by a pair of stormtroopers. Their pauldrons were marked with the insignia of the Jaemus Authority rather than the Dark Empire. Though Antipater had declared for Solipsis and was nominally a member of the Ruling Council, the Dark Empire's grasp on the north of the Braxant Run was tenuous. For the time being, the Jaemus Authority seemed to be largely on its own.

His stormtroopers remained posted at the edge of the loading ramp. Antipater continued his stiff march forward - every footfall a precise measurement. His own uniform was recognizably Imperial: grey green, and with the expected two-layered rank insignia plate. No cap or gloves. Unnecessary.

"Director. A pleasure." His greeting was perfunctory, and he did not offer a handshake. He did seem to survey with some interest the assembled guard and the stronghold's outer walls. "An impressive installation. Shall we?"




Tags: Antipater Antipater

The political and economic implications of the Jaemus Authority were of interest to the Sith. A dossier detailing an analysis conducted by the New Imperial Security Bureau had been prepared in anticipation of the meeting. Combined with the sources that Director Drey had within elements of the Dark Empire presented a rare opportunity to gain political favour on the Imperial Ruling Council which administrated and governed the Empire with an entity that possessed a seat but whose base of power was yet to be fully influenced, or compartmentalized by the likes of the Grand Vizier or other prominent figures among the 'dark' Imperials who had the ear of the Emperor himself.

"Thank you," Alicia replied to Antipater as they begun to walk back into the stronghold together. "Yes, let's."

As they walked together the Voss formed up behind them in a march. Turning her gaze to look upon Antipater Alicia made no comment about the fact that they were a droid. But it did make her quietly question who they were working for? Droids possessed a degree of sentience but at the end of the day it was all elaborate programming to develop a personality capable of interacting with other beings, and performing tasks. Alicia made a note to make enquires about the creation of Antipater, and who their Master was later.

"As we walk to the testing site perhaps you could elaborate on the function of Iron Sun Intelligence and it's relationship both to the Jaemus Authority and Dark Empire? I am curious and I want to understand how it all works?"

Machines Making Machines


"It is a state-owned corporation," Antipater answered almost immediately after Alicia had stopped speaking. "It exists to generate revenue and research for the Jaemus Authority. And to provide support for all who would carry the cause of Imperial government, naturally."

His gaze remained fixed ahead as they walked. Eye-contact was of little use to one with no discernible eyes. Antipater's polished face-plate betrayed only a dull reflection of the Director. A red light occasionally strobed slowly and faintly within. Whoever manufactured Antipater, it was likely a custom job and limited run... And a very high-end one, at that. His servomotors were completely silent.

The droid continued, "I have aligned Jaemus with Emperor Solipsis because I believe his government to be ascending. Iron Sun Intelligence is as much at his disposal as Jaemus and myself are."


Tags: Antipater Antipater

"I see."

As they walked together into the testing site Alicia led Antipater to a balcony overlooking the area. As the Myrmidon and Supplicant droids were set up in the courtyard Alicia turned her gaze back to her guest to say: "While the Jaemus Authority have aligned themselves to the Emperor I wonder what they would have to make about the Empire of the Lost? In my letter I explained the possibility of an embassy being opened on behalf of the Authority on Lianna. This would open up diplomatic relations between our Imperial aligned values and open up an opportunity for further collusion between our respective sides."

As the testing of the droids (and the Vestal Supercomputer) begun in the off-drop of their conversation Alicia averted her gaze away from Antipater to look down below. As the droids were put through their paces she continued to speak.

"The reach of the Dark Empire is long and extends far beyond the Core. There are elements within the upper echelons of the new administration on Lianna who are sympathetic to the cause of Darth Solipsis and his mission to destroy the Galactic Alliance. If the Jaemus Authority can be convinced to open such an embassy on their Capital then those forces who occupy these so called 'lost' Imperials would have a more direct means of showing their support. What do you have to say to that?"

Machines Making Machines


Antipater regarded his droids down below only briefly. He was intimately familiar with these units, having spearheaded their design himself, but he was not familiar with whatever trials they would be subjected to. Otherwise he would have projected their performance already.

"I am not... Opposed to such a venture," he said, regarding the matter of the embassy. Antipater had been programmed with sympathy towards all Imperial causes, and if the 'Lost' Imperials could be redirected to a more useful one, all the better.

"As for your government, I believe what I 'make' of it can be surmised with a simple question."

For the first time since landing, Antipater actually looked at Alicia. He must have expected much could be gauged from monitoring her reaction.

"Why have you permitted Velran Kilram to remain alive and in power?"


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