Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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In the Shadow of Skor

Lyra Sunfell

Lyra kneaded her knuckles into her forehead as she studied the intel reports. There were always those who profited from a battle. And while some of the Squib had a culture of corpse-hawking that made her Mandalorian nature uneasy, but that was a form of respect in its own way. Others, however? They sought nothing but to squeeze credits from the desperate. Pirates, mostly, scooping up escape pods and holding them for ransom, or killing those inside and salvaging what they left behind.

Twilight had been tasked with clearing out a camp of some of these carrion. Lyra had rounded up the company after the battle of Metrobig City, and whatever ORC personnel that she could muster. It was a disparate, scattered force, but it would be enough, at least, she thought it would be. Twilight was a professional company, and that training would be vital to neutralizing the enemy.

The pirates had made a camp ten kilometers from where Twilight had been stationed during the battle. Upon regrouping around the Firebird, they had received the intelligence reports. Lightly fortified, well-guarded. Unknown number of escape pods captured and brought down to the camp. Their status and location were unknown, but long-range surveillance placed their estimated location in the middle of the camp, within a heavy freighter.

"First and Second platoons, covering the flanks, spread out. Survey the target." Lyra said briskly, "Third and fourth platoons, on speeders, awaiting reports. Prepare to deploy."

She picked up her helmet and put it on as she strode from the command center. She would be with the second wave of the company.

[member="Sol Stazi"] [member="Kair Naon"] [member="Tikquik"]
Tikquik was excited, this would be his first mission in the 61st, one of the best companys of the Alliance in Exile.
This would definetly boost his career and maybe even get him the promotion that he was looking for.
The news that he and Kair would be transfered to the twilight had come as a surprise for him, it was explained to them that the twilight had sufered heavy casualities in the last battle and Tikquik's squad would be send to reinforce the company.
When the captain finished he moved with his squad towards the right flank, and the platoon started to spread.

"Keep your eyes open, I want this be over with not a man lost. Kair get into snipper position, two of you stay with him the rest is with me. Watch your coms."

At the begining his man had secretly laff every time he talked to them because of his high voice, but now he has earned their respect on the battlefield. He was one of the smallest fighters in the Alliance army but still he was a fierce warrior that proved it by eleminating his enemys with his small rotary blaster.
Kair looked at his friend as the commander spoke. He was barely able to hide his exitment, the Duros knew that Tikquik always wanted to join the 61st.
The legendary victory of the original company made it quite famous and the new battles that it fought only added more fame to the Twilight.
Unlike Tik he was calm, he didn't join the Alliance because of his believes, he did it to get revenge, and the only thing that kept him from leaving was his need to protect the Chadra-Fan.
As the troops moved to their posicions he check the Commander, a human female that seemed to have fought in many battles.

"Keep your eyes open, I want this be over with not a man lost. Kair get into snipper position, two of you stay with him the rest is with me. Watch your coms."

Said Tikquik, he was a good sergeant, the best he ever had and he followed his orders without cursing him, he always did that with the others.
He got into a house that was totaly destroied but the north wall and the debrys made a ramp to the top of the wall.
From there he could cover the five members of his squad that went ahead, and most of the platoon.

[member="Lyra Sunfell"] [member="Sol Stazi"]

Lyra Sunfell

@Tikquik @Kair Naon

Lyra buckled the helmet underneath her chin and slid the power-pack into the blaster rifle. She jumped up into one of their speeder transports as the first wave launched towards the target. In it was the squad led by Tikquik.

While they waited for the first wave to engage, Twilight spotters scoped out the encampment, and as their reports filtered in, it was added to the tactical map. Lyra had this generated and relayed to the advance teams as they approached.

The prisoners were likely in the freighter in the center, but it was surrounded by a ring of impromptu barriers and entrenched guard-posts with overlapping lanes of fire. It would be nasty business making a quick breach of the defenses before the prisoners were harmed, but Twilight soldiers were mobile infantry. They had the rocket-boots to jump the physical barriers while the others laid down suppressive fire, especially with support from the speeder transports.

They would make it happen.

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