Well-Known Member
Lower Levels:
Marcus smiled as he walked around the lowest of lower levels of Coruscant. A level so low it didn't even have a name. The people who bothered naming things didn't dare come down this far. It was were the rumors of rumors came to vanish. A place where people vanished, hope vanish, and law and order were so far removed even the mention of them had vanished long ago.
It was an area where not just one swoop and other types of gangs ruled every block but multiple ones fought constantly over every block.
Marcus walked these streets and alley ways in the finest suit he owned. Like everything else he ignored risk, he ignored authority. Most left him alone...........these were the ones old enough to have heard rumors of the Sith who used to walk these streets. A Sith many had tried to take advantage of but none had succeeded. Marcus looked just close enough to the very general and evolving description of that Sith to be left alone.
It only made Marcus smile at the tension in the air.
[member="Lucia Nox"]
Lower Levels:
Marcus smiled as he walked around the lowest of lower levels of Coruscant. A level so low it didn't even have a name. The people who bothered naming things didn't dare come down this far. It was were the rumors of rumors came to vanish. A place where people vanished, hope vanish, and law and order were so far removed even the mention of them had vanished long ago.
It was an area where not just one swoop and other types of gangs ruled every block but multiple ones fought constantly over every block.
Marcus walked these streets and alley ways in the finest suit he owned. Like everything else he ignored risk, he ignored authority. Most left him alone...........these were the ones old enough to have heard rumors of the Sith who used to walk these streets. A Sith many had tried to take advantage of but none had succeeded. Marcus looked just close enough to the very general and evolving description of that Sith to be left alone.
It only made Marcus smile at the tension in the air.
[member="Lucia Nox"]