Inara Basai
Objective: CampingLocal time: 16:35
Location: Small settlement on Virujansi
The small passenger shuttle landed. Eagerly, Mathieu looked up with his eyes fixed on the seatbelt sign. Not only did he look forward to finally being able to stand up and give his knees a break from being mushed up against the seat in front of him. He also looked forward to being able to see Inara again - they had been apart a few days at most, but it was still way too long for his taste.
They had agreed to go on a camping trip together. Summer had just passed - but the weather was still warm during the sunny days and after a weeks worth of rain, the weather prospects looked promising at their destination. Not only did the temperature seem to be just right for spending some time outdoors, but the recent rainfall also meant that there may yet be a large amount of mushrooms in the forest.
The light behind the seatbelt sign came off. Several metallic sounds could be heard throughout the passenger area as many of the passengers liberated themselves from the binds that had held them for the last few hours. Making eye-contact with the elderly gentleman he had sat next to, Mathieu nodded with a smile before reaching up to the overhead compartment to help the elder get his hand luggage down. For Mathieu, it would take a little bit more patience as his bag was in the storage compartment below deck.
It would not be long before he was walking away from the landing pad with the other passengers. It was a relatively small town, only just large enough to justify having a shuttle route go to in - in large part thanks to its good connections to neighbouring communities. For people such as Mathieu and Inara, it was perfect, however, seeing how close to nature it was.
With a large bag on his back with everything ranging from ropes, clothes, sleeping rolls, a tent and a few emergency sandwiches, he felt well prepared for their journey. Although the bag would have looked overly large on many others, the size of it felt right to the large Morellian. The Tactical Teddy Bear hung by the back of the backpack along with a whistle and a flashlight. While he had a jacket and a hoodie in the bag, the Padawan wore a simple T-shirt for now - the sun was still up high and the day was warm enough.
His good mood remained as he got to the kiosk near the landingpads. A few others were waiting for someone there and it seemed like he would be joining them. After entering, his gaze fell down to the human shopkeeper "Hey, got any.. uh... mm, yeah.. uhm..." a thousand thoughts went through his mind and ventured to the most awkward of places. Finally, it settled on something mundane "..any gum?" The shopkeeper flashed an amused smile "Want a newspaper too, buddy?" Bringing out a few credits, Mathieu nodded.
Returning out to the many benches outside the Kiosk, he remained standing, occupying himself with trying to get the package open before moving on to the newspaper. Every minute felt like five but he knew that it was worth it. Soon, he would get to see Inara again.