Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Tides of Change



The harmonious chirp of cicadas drifted through the afternoon breeze as the sun prepared to rest over Dagobah's marshlands.

Elias breathed in the earthy air, watching the sunlight shimmer on the placid waters below. Tash's Rest was his favorite part of the temple. It offered one an unmatched view of the natural beauty of the wetlands, a perfect place to rest and reflect. He'd selected it as the meeting place for he and Jedi Master Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble of the NJO to meet and discuss the current situation their orders now found themselves in.

He took a breath, sipping gingerly at a cup of hot tea while he waited for the Shield and his Padawan to arrive.

Elias hoped that some measure of good would come from their meeting. Admittedly, the Rimward Jedi were beginning to lose faith in the greater power of the Trade League. Disagreements were arising between the various sects of Lightsiders in the Coalition, and if history teaches anything, such division only seems to mark the beginning of the end. Perhaps unity with other orders in the galaxy - the New Jedi, and the Silvers - would bring about the stability that was desperately needed by the Coalition.

Or, at the very least, provide a safe haven for those who wish to leave before a dangerous schism strikes.



"You know, it's been a long time since I last actually visited another order. I was once apart of the Silver Jedi, but since joining the NJO I haven't bothered to visit. I probably should, but, well, busy, y'know?"

Kahlil glanced briefly down to the Mirialan that he'd asked to join him. Shan Pavond. His new Padawan. Asides from the mission they'd been brought on with his wife, they hadn't had much time to actually get used to this. Learn more about one another. Well, asides from the first lesson he'd taught him. He looked up from him as they walked, letting his gaze travel over the beauty of the world they were on. A temple on Dagobah. Who'd of thought of that?

".. So, we're just here to learn about the Order. Don't be afraid to ask questions, okay? But do remember that no two Jedi are alike, and thus, our orders might be pretty different. With the Sith activity picking up, we should try to play it nice."

Shan Pavond Shan Pavond | Elias Edo Elias Edo
Shan gave a slow nod as he listened to Kahlil, though his eyes were more focused on their surroundings, a small grin on the Padawan's face. Planets like Dagobah filled with nature always caused amazement for the Padawan. Though he decided it would be a good idea to at least acknowledge Kahlil audibly as well as he glanced up towards his new Master.

"I always play nice Master, that shouldn't come as a surprise." His grin spread out a bit wider at that. It was partially true at least. He might occasionally say something out of place, but it wasn't from a place of being nasty. It was mostly from a place of curiosity. "The idea of different Jedi Orders has always seemed interesting to me. The differences and similarities between groups. Their mindsets and philosophies." It was safe to say at the very least, Shan was very eager for this meeting but he was going to try and hold himself back from being too excited.

However the thought of the Sith caused his grin to fade from his face. Shan just turned his attention back to their surroundings instead, fiddling with the sleeve of his robes. The threat of them was far more real to Shan after Elom. Having some form of allies as opposed to enemies would be helpful against the threat.

"...Should I address the Jedi we're meeting in a specific way? Is Master a suitable title, or is there another title I should use?" He thought it would be best to ask these questions of questions now. Different orders might have different ways of respecting their members, so Shan wanted to be able to give a good first impression.

Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Elias Edo Elias Edo
Tides of Change



The presence of two newcomers in the Force pulled Elias’ eyes from the sunset ahead. He turned to find Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble and his Padawan making their way to the Rest. He smiled at the pair, offering a low bow at the hip as they approached.

“Master Noble, Padawan Shand. It’s an honor.”

He welcomed them warmly onto the perch, offering them each a comfortable seat where they could enjoy the view as they discussed. When they were settled, he reached for the teapot and gestured to a pair of empty cups.

“Would either of your care for tea? Master Tiland prepares the herbs himself.”



"Master should be fine, I believe. If it's not, I'm sure he'll correct us." He hadn't heard of a different title for the RJO, but that didn't mean they didn't have them. Master was always a good default, at least in Kahlil's opinion. He flashed a smile as Elias stepped out, dipping his head in greeting. Then flashed an even wider grin. Tiland tea, huh?

"I would absolutely love a cup. It's been some time since I last had Master Tiland's tea. It's good to finally meet you in person though, Master Edo."

Shan Pavond Shan Pavond | Elias Edo Elias Edo
Shan nodded as Kahlil answered him. Master was a simple enough title to remember in his eyes as he turned his attention over towards Elias once Shan could see him, and gave the Master a quick bow, lowering his head down. He let Kahlil speak first, being patient and polite before clearing his throat. He didn't want to stutter over his words. Good first impressions after all!

"It is a pleasure to meet you Master Edo. Some tea would be delightful, thank you." So far so good. Master Tiland wasn't someone he had heard of, but if Kahlil's statement was anything to go off, the tea should be pretty nice.
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Tides of Change



"The honor is mine, Master Noble," Elias returned. He'd regrettably never had the chance to meet Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble until now, but he felt it was never too late to forge new bonds with fellow Jedi. He'd served alongside Valery Noble Valery Noble in both League and GA territory, and he'd only heard good things - both about the man himself, and the station he served. He turned his gaze to Shan, looking to the Padawan with kind eyes. He poured both master and apprentice a cup of fresh tea.

"It's very nice to meet you as well," he said to the boy. Shan Pavond Shan Pavond seemed to be a fine Padawan with a bright future. Training under the tutelage of the Shield of the Jedi would be a deeply rewarding experience for sure.

He smiled to himself, sipping a bit of tea. It felt very fulfilling to expand his circle of Jedi comrades. If the Outer-Rim Territories had taught him anything in the last few months, it was that Jedi walk a very lonely life this far from the Core. Many prefer to work alone, and those who do band together often become reclusive sects that disapprove of outsiders. Such was the case of the Coalition's many constituent groups. He looked off to the sunset once again, seemingly mesmerized by the way it kissed the marshlands.

"I'm very pleased that you came to see us, my friends. There are troubling times ahead, and unions such as these are the key to remaining strong."



"Unfortunately that is exactly why we're here. I wish I would've come to visit for better reasons." The rise of the Sith, the growing violence of the Mandalorians, there were all manner of trouble coming down the line. He sipped his tea, smiling just a little. He did love Tiland Kortun Tiland Kortun 's tea. Perhaps he should make time to visit the old Master some time soon. Not now, though. Right now, his smile dipped as he watched Elias.

"Peace, as we've been fortunate to know it these last years, is coming to an end. The last time this happened the Silvers and the NJO weren't open to talk with one another, and I'd like to keep the Jedi of different Orders in good standing with one another. We don't need to all fall under one banner, but we should at least be on the same page."

Shan Pavond Shan Pavond | Elias Edo Elias Edo
Shan tilted his head at the idea of the NJO and Silvers being unable to be open with each other. Now that was something that was curious to him, but he felt like now wasn't exactly the perfect time for a history lesson, as Shan sipped at the tea. He had stayed quiet, mostly trying to figure out what he wanted to say to add to the conversation. There wasn't too much he could think of if he was being totally honest to himself.

"Being on the same page would also help to make sure there isn't any confusion between the Orders as well. So neither would be taken by surprise from an unexpected action." It made somewhat sense to Shan. He didn't know much about the threat posing the Galaxy, minus the Sith, but he felt like it was important that neither Jedi Order tried to strike against the threat unless the other Order knew. A case of mistaken identity could cause a huge problem for either Order.
Tides of Change



Elias frowned as Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble mentioned the Silvers reluctance to cooperate. He’d served with them before, albeit in a much less official capacity than he served the NJO. They were less organized and much more free-form in their operations, but he never sensed any tension between the two sects. He hoped not to repeat that disconnect here.

“Regardless of orders and traditions, we are all Jedi in the end. The Force has called to us, and we answer in turn to protect the innocent from evil.”

He swallowed hard then, considering that even a pledge of unity from the RJC still may not deliver the order’s numbers in its entirety. There were some who already disagreed with the Coalition itself. Smaller local sects of Force Users who would object to war against the Sith.

Even the Trade League had reservations about fighting this common enemy.

“We will stand beside you in the coming days, wherever the Sith may strike, to be a sword and shield against the Dark Side. It is our duty as Jedi to fight with our brothers and sisters.”

He thought of the order’s Jedi, of who would fight the Sith when they inevitably return. He thought of Knights Pyeth Raffinki Pyeth Raffinki and Alana Sunrider Alana Sunrider , and of Master Rhiza Dural Rhiza Dural . Padawan Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus and Master Mishel Mishel . Others still, like Corbin Vasher Corbin Vasher and Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl . The RJC was strong when working together. But even if Elias stood alone to represent his order, he’d do so willingly.

Elias gave Shan Pavond Shan Pavond an approving nod.

“Exactly. We will remain vigilant in our sectors, and monitor the situation. Our Spectres are trained well in espionage and reconnaissance. The New Jedi can count on us to relay any intelligence or strategies back to Coruscant, and we hope you’ll do the same.”



"Of course. The Shadows aren't nearly as active as they used to be in the war, but they are for sharing information." She Shadows, at least. He couldn't say the same for the SIA, and it certainly wasn't his place to share the issues of the Alliance government. He was only here to speak on the behalf of the Jedi.

"Have you been attacked by the Sith? Have you noticed any of their plans around the Rimward? We've only got information on their activity in the Sith Corridor."

Shan Pavond Shan Pavond | Elias Edo Elias Edo
Shan frowned at the thought of shadows, looking between the two masters as the Padawan just seemed to be in serious thought. With the pair having talked about the two orders having not always been open to each other, it was giving Shan an idea. Though he was mostly forming it over in his head, letting Kahlil and Elias speak. He didn't want to interrupt the pair in what he saw as a more important conversation topic.

Though eventually he cleared his throat to speak. "Is it possible...for the two Orders to have some kind of training session together? It could be useful for the more experienced members of both orders to learn something new and potentially rekindle old bonds...but it could also allow Padawans to learn more to the views of the Force, alongside meeting new people. It could also allow the Padawans to learn more about the opposite order, since I know speaking for myself, I know very little about the silvers. It would also help to keep connections between the two orders? Information is a valuable tool, but information shared is even more valuable." He lowered his head afterwards, hoping that he hadn't spoke out of turn. His main focus was on trying to help make more bonds between people. A chain was only as strong as it's weakest link, and he wanted to reinforce every link he could.

Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Elias Edo Elias Edo
Tides of Change



"Collusions, mostly," Elias admitted. "They say that no news is good news, but I fear there is more to the Sith's silence than there appears. I've been following leads that connect them to several slaving guilds in League space, and rumors from Sluis Van seem to indicate that they're pulling strings in the local government."

He sighed.

"The Coalition isn't as fortunate as the NJO, I'm afraid. We often struggle to secure the support of the Trade League. They don't appreciate our aid in civil matters, and certainly not ones that involve political crises like what the Sluissi face now. Even when clear lines can be drawn between causation and the Sith."

Elias paused for a moment to gather his thoughts, when Shan Pavond Shan Pavond offered some of his own. He listened as the Padawan opined, and when he was finished, Elias sat back in his chair. He was clearly impressed with the depth of Shan's suggestion.

"Now that's an idea!" he said with excitement. "A gathering of that sort would be an excellent way to bond our orders and establish trust."



That.. Was alarming. Kahlil couldn't say the NJO and the Senate would always see eye to eye, but they were at least more than willing to work with each other. A frown settled on his lips as he listened. The Jedi were at their weakest when they couldn't trust their own people to have their backs. He wasn't even sure what he could offer. With the Sith's actions close to Alliance space and the Mandalorians, should he even offer anything?

He paused, glanced to Shan, and chuckled. Sometimes the Master did learn from thier Padawan, didn't they?

"I'm not sure how many I can truly offer to help, but if you ever find yourself in need of it, I will come myself. We need to stick together, even if the people around us don't." Then he nodded to Shan, smiled wide.

"I agree it is a good idea. A Jedi should never shy away from learning something new, especially if it's something they'd never think to learn."

Elias Edo Elias Edo | Shan Pavond Shan Pavond
The Sith were pulling strings in local government? And people not appreciating the assistance of Jedi aid? Both of those seemed strange to Shan as his face furrowed into a frown. Though he shook his head after a while. A Jedi's job wasn't to be appreciated, they were there to help the Galaxy. It was still worrying for Shan, but he had faith that everything would turn out alright. Positivity was key!

It was easier for Shan to be positive when the two Masters seemed to like his suggestion, a grin spreading across the Mirialan's face. There was a part of him that was already growing eager at the idea of learning new things but he shook his head once more trying to stay focused on the present instead of looking off to the Future all the time. The future meant nothing if you didn't work on the current. Shan couldn't let himself be blinded by thinking about what could happen.

"I also think it could help the less confident members of both Orders. I know of at or two Padawans at least that seem a bit unsure of themselves. A training session like this might be able to boost their confidence as well." Shan was less convinced it would work, but he was trying to make sure to cover every corner he could with his suggestions. "It could also help with the...negativity some Padawans might be feeling from Caldera. Whilst negativity can be an infectious emotion, I think positivity can be as well. So being shown that there are more Jedi Orders out there could help relieve their worries slightly."

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