Who Am I?
But to truly be in control of her emotions, she needed to face them. The neutral world of Isis became her destination with that goal in mind. A land of crystal caverns. Not the same as the caverns of Dantooine, but similar enough. And in tune with the Force enough to make her face the horrors of her recent past. The 'borrowed' ship she had landed close enough to an abandoned mine for these very crystals. There shouldn't be anyone around. Made it a perfect place to at least be alone when she tried to go through the thoughts she buried in the back of her mind.
The Acolyte hopped from her ship to the ground below, letting the crystal crunch under her boots. This was definitely the place. Her yellow eyes glared at the cavern before her. With what she wanted to do, she could already feel the terrible thoughts welling up in her mind, wanting to spill forward.
"Right. Let's go."
Slowly she made her way into the cavern, trailed only by the ghosts she had brought with her in her mind.