Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Inactivity on most characters

Hey everyone,

Not a typical LOA but I'm going to be inactive on more or less all my characters except Anja for the next month or month and a half.

My professor decided to slowly shrink the amount of time in between project due dates and the quality of my posts have been decaying heavily since I juggle around a lot. This means for anyone who roleplays with my following characters will know that I will not be starting new threads but intend to at least finish the ones I have open.

[member="Mad Klay Grubber"]

[member="Zun of Concord Dawn"]

[member="Aleksandyr Gaillard"]

Otherwise I will maintain full activity on Anja :)

My time management skills are not the best so hopefully I'll be able to figure out a way to properly give myself time in all things important and leave enough room for Chaos.

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