Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Inas Reut

Inas Reut


NAME: Inas Reut
FACTION: Jedi Order of the Republic Remnant
RANK: Padawan
AGE: Young Adult
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5'4 or 1.65m
WEIGHT: 75kg or 165lbs
EYES: Three, Black
HAIR: None
SKIN: Tan with Brown Spots


Goat Guts - With two stomachs and having had recent ancestors living off of bushes, although she won't be supping on cans any time soon, chances are if it's a plant, she can eat it.

Savour It! - Gran can take up to a full day to sloooooowly eat their meal. It's not that it's a lot, they're just in no hurry. Dash and dine is a foreign concept, and time has to be made for meals.
Three Eyes - Gran have excellent vision, can see more colors than most species, and even see into the infrared spectrum.
Empathy - Gran are extremely dedicated to anyone they deem family. Social interactions and preserving harmony are of utmost importance to them, and this is before you throw the Force into the mix. Inas is quite good at figuring out how people are feeling, and relating to them.
Observant - Usually being fairly quiet and hanging back unless someone is trouble, Inas pays a lot of attention to what's going on around her. While this certainly includes her surroundings, between the previously mentioned vision and empathy, it is particularly true of nearby beings.
Co-Dependent - Gran will literally go insane if isolated. Sometimes this happens even if their around other beings if those other beings aren't Gran, unless they bond extremely closely. Inas does not like being alone and does not really understand the concept of alone time or personal space. To her a private room is a punishment, not a luxury.
Naive - Inas only recently left Kinyen, and is not used to how non-Gran function. She is easily duped or lead astray.
Pacifist - Inas does not want to hurt anyone. She's not had this belief tested yet, but she's at least verbally pretty adamant about it.
I Can Fix That! - Inas has learned a good bit of medical knowledge, to help her help others until she learns the force abilities that will let her do the same. Not wanting to seem prejudiced against droids, she's also picked up some mechanical skills. She's not an inventor, but she's pretty good at patching things together, flesh or metal.

Take a goat, shave it, make it semi-humanoid, add a third eye and breast and BAM, you have Inas. She is in short, extremely typical for a female gran. She tends towards practical clothes or Jedi robes in neutral colours, browns, tans, moss greens and the like.

On Kinyen Inas was being groomed for two jobs, Medic and Agriculturist, whichever she was better at and enjoyed more would have been the one she spent the rest of her life at. Until it came to light that the young Gran was in fact force sensitive. After many very serious and in-depth conversations with her entire extended family, it was decided that although there were very serious risks involved, because making a difference was what she wanted, she would be sent to join the Jedi. Which used to be rather straightforward. In these times of Chaos however, there were several Jedi or Jedi related factions available. Eventually after much more discussion, she wound up joining the Republic Remnant. Its decision to withdraw and focus on helping others rather than getting further embroiled in the constant wars of the Core appealed to Gran sensibilities. So Inas took a freighter with several other Gran going to points further in that direction and her new life began.


No! D:




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