Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Incipiamus (Matsu Ike)


No Gods, No Masters
A lone figure stood quietly in the courtyard, the fountain merrily burbling away behind him as he waited. He'd only recently joined the Order, a move he had finally decided was necessary, though he'd remained silent on the reasoning why. Such things were his own to decide upon.

He was placed in the Order as a Sentinel, a role for which he was best suited. Silent, skilled, and trained in the art of concealment, he was a natural for the role. Now, however, he had to wait here for his trainer. His handler. A master to educate him more fully in the ways of the Sentinel. He would wait patiently as long as he needed to. This was the only way forward.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

Patience was a virtue to a jedi, something that needed to be present in all situations. That was why Matsu was always willing to take the time needed with her students and padawans. As she stood there and finished getting dressed, the kimono and cloak blending together the jedi master Checked it and the gloves, the metal in the knuckle plates she had seen be able to absorb and store electricity while the entire outfit could shrug off force powers. That got a small smirk from her before she walked holding the parasol and letting her sabers rest on her hips. In clear view, the disc blade for teaching guidance and throwing in two pieces inside the coat. "Welcome padawan." Matsu gave a bow and stood as tall as she could while looking at the man.


No Gods, No Masters
The man bowed politely at the waist, his hood covering his head for the most part. This must be who he was waiting for.

"Greetings," was all he said as he straightened himself.

Perhaps they could start immediately and get through the training sooner, rather than later. That said, these were Jedi. Jedi taught patience in all things which in Sicarius' line of work, patience meant life or death.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

Matsu looked him over and gave a nod turning around on her heel while a hand came up. "Come with me." A small tight lipped smile played across her face while she walked. The jedi master leading the way first to her room where she grabbed a slightly curved sheath and finely polished stone. Holding them in her hands Matsu walked outside and into a garden while she took a seat and held her hand out. "Sit, there is much to see and listen to. We don't want you to fall behind padawan and we do not want to be distracted." Her hand remained while withdrawing the blade and running a gentle finger lightly across it. "Now padawan what can you tell me about yourself?"


No Gods, No Masters
He followed her when told and sat when prompted. He let his senses take in the gardens around and took a moment to orient himself within the area. Escape routes and evasion areas were immediately discerned within the garden while more were mentally mapped from what the man remembered of the route inside and the various side paths, doors, and routes that were nearby their previous path. He also planned an attack on the woman before him in detail, though doubted such would be required. She was here to teach him, after all, though in his line of work, both past and, hopefully, present, it never hurt to be prepared. In fact, failure of proper preparedness was what got you killed.

"You tattoo yourself," he stated blandly. Informatively. "Hands are most visible. Feet less. Assuming you follow the majority of those who have tattoos applied to their flesh, your arms as well. Legs are a possibility, though that is a lower chance. Those with leg and calf tattoos wear shorter clothing. Shorts, skirts. Those things."

Sicarius continued, his eyes barely moving. He was operating only on what he was able to study of her, both visually and in the Force, until she asked her question. Minute details were his job. To miss one small item, one small telltale, often meant success or failure.

"You're tired. Not exhausted, but you're no stranger to such levels. Able to complete your tasks, but weary. At your core. The kind of fatigue that takes more than a rest to recover from. Fatigue that only meditation and time can resolve. Your hands are not rough from work, but nor are they a stranger to it. Your mannerisms and speech show education and learning. Your bearing and attitude speak volumes. If I were to guess, I would say you're a researcher. Not a scientist, at least in the sense of labs and chemistry. A chronicler, perhaps, or an archaeologist. Your bearing towards others as well as your age tell me more, as does your gait. You're a mother of at least one, perhaps two. Your lack of gray hair or crows feet along with your age - between thirty and thirty three from my estimate - tells me they are cared for by another, under the care of the state, or that they can care for themselves. The first two are more likely, the third is a slim possibility, though a possibility all the same. Your stance and your body movements tell me you drain yourself or have sustained lasting injuries. From how you move your body I would think injury, but your limbs show less injury and more fatigue when they move. The same fatigue I mentioned earlier. As I cannot determine one or the other solely, I must infer that both are to blame. Your presence in the Force and the lack of wear on your hands tells me that the fatigue and drain are Force related, while the injuries are likely similar, or at least a mix of both Force and physical damage. Your attitude is arrogant, but kind in its way. Your tone tells me you are dedicated to teaching, yet feel that your way is looked down upon. Considering you are a Jedi, this must mean that those above you believe your teachings to be contradictory to the code, but seeing that you are still a Jedi and hold your title, this means they see it less as contradictory and more akin to troublemaking. However, because they allow you students, this means that despite your more... unorthodox teachings, you teach well. Or, at least, better than most."

After speaking, he was quiet for a moment. He stared at her blankly from under his hood, his eyes betraying no emotion, no intent, just staring quietly. Eventually, the ghost of humor blew over his features like the slightest smoke on the wind.

"I am Sicarius."

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

Matsu laughed a genuine sound coming out of her mouth while she sat there and spoke. "Very perceptive and mostly correct, though I have tattoo's across most of my body everywhere except my face and neck. When I was younger the jedi sent me to join an Atrisian gang that was smuggling, a requirement of new members is to have a tattoo for each job they pull off, every major deal they make. I preformed better then most and then we took them down. As to the rest, my body was wrecked in an attack. A powerful and dangerous virus released and when I got infected I tried purging it out of myself but the effects were painful, without the force I am almost an bed ridden and requiring care."

"Few people realize I have two daughters and my teachings do not contradict the code as much as I am very practical. I am known for being outspoken in terms of there being a need to combat evil instead of sitting around and waiting for them to attack you. The Fall of Coruscant shows how dangerous sitting around can be. So many falling and so many condemning the ones who fought to stop the sith previously. They also don't like that I was willing to protect republic soldiers at the expense of fighting against sith forces that vastly outnumbered us." She wasn't going to complain and cared less, there was no emotion and she followed that letting it go away as she experienced a state of peace above all else and rose up to stand.

"From what I can see of you Sicarius and your abilities of perception I can say I am most impressed. Few people in the order observe and think preferring to jump to conclusions and swing their blades. Something that can easily be done and taught but has less style and grace. Now what kind of jedi are you hoping to become."


No Gods, No Masters
"I was told that the Sentinels would have more value of my abilities. They also mentioned something about Shadows," the man stated simply.

They had said little about the Shadows, merely mentioning the name once. Mostly, they'd encouraged him to enlist into the sentinels where his stealth, tactics, and abilities would find a far better use. He was a fighter, but not a brawler, which meant he needed to overwhelm his opponent quickly or outsmart him entirely. On top of this, Sicarius carried no lightsaber. He knew how to use one, of course, but preferred not to. The bright blade and ominous hum of the weapon gave away his position when he wanted stealth and quiet. On top of this, most lightsaber users did not match his hand to hand abilities, which usually cost them their lives.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

Matsu gave a nod of her head to that. "The sentinels and the shadows are a part of the order that would fit you quite well but to be a shadow is more then just having skill it is also to endure." She continued to remain there with a small grin on her face though. "Shadows are deeply rooted with the ones who control knowledge, at times acting as a sword of the jedi and the few who don't qualm about killing. SOmeone once said it was like having a hand dipped in blood and the other in the light while some condemned you. It is why I do not recommend it for many but there are things that can be taught to make shadows stronger and more skilled in their duties. Detecting is easy but sneaking around and into locations, being able to pacify and destroy darkside artifacts can take skills few teach."


No Gods, No Masters
At her words, Sicarius simply closed his eyes and turned inwards. He focused on himself and let himself focus on his center of being. Once done, he turned his feelings outwards, sensing the person before him and himself. Slowly and methodically, he reached deep within his soul. Within the Force. Almost as if a candle flame, he focused and slowly dampened it. The glow of the Force dimmed slowly, bit by bit, as he exerted his will upon it. Eventually, the flame had dimmed down until it was but a smoldering coal within himself, hidden from view by those looking within him.

His power exerted, Sicarius simply opened his eyes and stared at the woman before him. He could not keep his presence in the Force hidden at all times, nor could he do it for long or without focusing upon it, but enough to show that he knew what he was doing? He could do that. He'd just have to practice to hone the skill.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

Matsu watched intently and kept her gaze on the padawan while he focused and showed his energies. A small smirk coming to her face though at it the sight and feeling from him. She rose letting her frame tighten up a little and be smaller before she looked up when he opened her eyes. "One of the best ways to learn focus is to occupy your mind with different tasks while fending off small assaults. Make it become innate and reflex, this isn't a hologame where you just get skills to protect your mind. YOu will need to focus and the best way to so that is stay in the air while sneaking around the temple."


No Gods, No Masters
"I'm not sure I follow," he stated politely, still focusing on his Force Concealment. "To clarify, you want me to move around the temple rooftops while maintaining my stealth in the Force?"

Moving from rooftop to rooftop was child's play for him, but doing so while maintaining a cloak over his Force presence? This would be challenging in the extreme. As he waited, he stood up, still focusing inwards. He'd heard that those skilled in Force Stealth could find a sort of trance where they could continue the power indefinitely. Maybe he'd find that today.

[member="Matsu Ike"]

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