Mars Tsosûtiyakûtiyuska
Raekkar :: Igol
Raekkar wasn’t the first choice of homely for anyone. Except maybe Purebloods, and even then only those with particularly solitary inclinations.
Yidhra didn’t much care for company. (Unless you counted unwilling test subjects. Then she had plenty.)
The halls of Igol were full of people, but they all lay silent and still. Nobody there to interrupt her studies, or her experiments, or her alchemical rituals. Peace and quiet and the comforting shroud of death.
It lingered in her instruments; in her hands, and her equations; it was forever on her mind. Not as a fear gazing at her from the not-so-distant end, but rather as an obstacle to overcome.
Her current challenge revolved, in particular, about overcoming the obstacle of certain influential individuals, and the small inconvenience of them still drawing breath. It was an issue she would remedy soon enough.
It was simply the matter of gathering the right tools for the job.
[member="Darth Osano"]