Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Increased Activity Soon, Looking For Threads

As my exams are coming soon, and I'll be taking time off school for the spring semester to look for work, I'll have more time for posts and threads and plotting here. I've been blessed to have this friday and tomorrow off as well, so between studies and essays, I've got a bit more time.

So, since my load here is... Actually quite considerably low compared to what I'm used to, and now that I'm gonna be lagging much less soon enough... Is there anyone interested in said threads/plottage?

Macharius Solaire

[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]

If you have any Republic business you need help with Joshua I can be of assistance. Senator Solaire is here to help! \[T]/

Macharius Solaire

[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]

Jedi Master. Not in The Republic.


Darn Ession Reformation'er. I assumed my conclusion of allegiance. Perhaps you should indicate who you operate with in your sig to save someone else the embarrassment, lol. I know a few people who could make a tag if there are none for them yet.
[member="Macharius Solaire"] That factions dead, man, and its not like there isn't other Jedi factions like the Silver Jedi. I'm still working with the Jedi via that Jedi Academy faction though, but mainly I'm just doing my own thing for the Jedi's goal.

Macharius Solaire

[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]

I didn't know that. I was originally going to guess you made a move to the Sanctum. But then decided to maybe research for three seconds about where you were. And your character sheet told me you were with the Reformation. Doesn't matter. I'll just take my leave now.
Not sure what a spit fire moderately force sensitive smuggler can offer Joshua, but Liona's willing to do any of his slicing and hacking for the right price! Or they could run into each other and he try to explain the whole force sensitivity thing to her. She may laugh at him, fair warning.

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