Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Indefinite Inability to Roleplay

Unfortunately my laptop is running into issues that make it nigh impossible for me to use it for more than 5-10 minutes at a time in hourly intervals. This means I'll be accessing the site primarily through my phone, which as you may understand, is really annoying to post from. So I won't be roleplaying until my laptop's fixed; assuming it can be.

I will, however, remain as active as I usually am in an out-of-character capacity.

[member="Gabriel Sionoma"] & [member="Darth Vornskr"] & [member="Soeht"]

I will try to be posting to the invasion objective as [member="Kail Myn"], they'll just be shorter than usual.

Otherwise if I'm roleplaying with you on any of my characters, I apologize, I won't be able to post until further notice.

RIP Sam's Laptop 2014-2016

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