Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Indefinite LOA

Wicked Witch of Schwartzweld
Hey, guys.
I know I've slipped from the radar again. I've been thinking a lot about my writing issues, the place, my characters, old times and writing partners I've lost along the way... And I've come to realize two things. First is that I've actually been suffering the issue for the past two years, my muses have been sinking, I've forced more posts than I've actually enjoyed, I've vanished more than I've been here, only to return and apologize again, and post more out of guilt than the pleasure of writing. There were some spurs of activity, especially with Curupira and Satara, but even those eventually drifted away. And then the second thing, realizing recently that my muse was fine, I could write once I put these gals aside. It's just when I start writing in the star wars universe, it all goes to hell.

Adding to that the fact that I'm a second year of lawschool now, with six major subjects to pass before March comes and I'm hit with three ones just as hard, my time keeps limiting itself even further.

This rut has been going on for far too long as it is. I'm just plain tired of feeling the guilt rather than the joy, if looking over the characters and just going blah and finding myself other things to do. The character ideas do come to me from time to time, yes. But as soon as I have to put them down, my mind just blocks. It's a terrible feeling. I've never actually thought I'd hit that point. But there it is.

So, those who have my skype, know why they have it. Same goes for AIM, though it's not quite as big as it used to be. Also my facebook. I don't know when I'll be back and I say when because frankly, full defeat is not an option. I love these characters still, I don't want to bury them forever but going about it this way only makes things worse.

So I'll say when. And I'll say have fun. And be seeing you.

~ Love, Liz

Sorvae Sunfell

Curupira Hawk said:
First is that I've actually been suffering the issue for the past two years, my muses have been sinking, I've forced more posts than I've actually enjoyed, I've vanished more than I've been here, only to return and apologize again, and post more out of guilt than the pleasure of writing.
I know how you feel...

Anyways, best of luck to you in your life and may you find new things you love. Enjoy your indefinite time off and maybe we'll meet again. But yeah, until then, may the Force be with you! :)
[member="Curupira Hawk"]
Take care, my dear Liz.

Do come back occasionally, even if to just let us know how you go.

You're still my favourite Croatian ever. Yes, yes, I know you're the only one I know, but hey!

*Mournfully takes a last pencil.*

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