Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Indefinite LOA

I know I posted an LOA thread regarding laptop issues last week, but it grieves me to say that this is unrelated.

For those who aren't aware, up until roughly two months ago I was on a Leave of Absence because I had been helping my parents move to Haiti, so that they may assist many wonderful individuals in helping the country rebuild after earthquakes, riots, and corruption had plagued them. Unfortunately, I recently found out that some pretty heavy stuff has been going on there; and my parents have found themselves engulfed by these circumstances.

Although they've always understood the risks of doing what they do, it doesn't make it any easier to cope with. Riots have begun due to the president stepping down, and there's the spread of the Zika virus causing panic as well. My mother has actually contracted the virus and due to stigma -- as well as a few health concerns -- she will be returning to the country.

Seeing as my parents have only just moved there, and it looks like they may be forced home again, you can understand what stress this puts on a family. I am only twenty-one years of age. I cannot say I understand the stress my parents are going through, or the courage it takes to do so. However; that doesn't make it any easier for myself either to deal with. It's silly that I'm anxious about leaving the board indefinitely, when compared to the many greater struggles other people go through daily.

So with the circumstances as they are, I simply haven't the time to participate in roleplaying anymore. I'm not sure when situations will get better. I've never been in this situation before. I enjoy roleplaying here on Chaos, and it's going to be difficult for me to stay away from the board, but as [member="Darth Carach"] made sure I realize -- there are more important things than roleplay, and family is one of them.

In my stead [member="Sinistra"] will be acting as interim Faction Owner of the One Sith until they can deal with the situation of my sudden absence. Which shouldn't be too hard, they're a great team and I can confidently say they've done more for the faction individually than I have. [member="Darth Vornskr"] be nice or I'll personally drive down to Missouri and leave a passive-aggressive post-it note on your door. [member="Ajira Cardei"], thanks for taking over the fleeting on such short notice.

Anyway. Have fun guys, it's been great. Hopefully I can come back soon.

Connor Harrison

[member="Boethiah"] Really sorry to hear about these struggles for you and the family - it's not easy with things out there and I hope everything works out for you and your Mum recovers and get's better swiftly and smoothly.

This place always comes second to RL, and don't ever feel bad or worried for taking time away. We will be here as and when you return and will be here throughout to support you and cheer you up as and when you may need it.

Best wishes to you all. Take good care.

Even though we have barely roleplayed together, and our interactions were purely OOC discussion on the going-ons of Chaos, it'll still be sad to see you go. But I still got yah on Facebook, so ayooo

Take care of the fam, man, and I'll always be around to chat if you need to



Just another avatar for Cyttorak
[member="Boethiah"], I haven't had a chance to RP with you yet, but wish you and your family all the best, and hope to see you back here soon!
Julian Valentine said:
But I still got yah on Facebook, so ayooo
I get notifications sent to my phone, but I'm not sure I even have access to my email that account is on, haha. Of course that doesn't mean we can't stay in touch!

And thank you to everyone for the kind words. My mom is safe, it's only that the disease can cause bad stuff to expecting mothers, so there's a lot of stigma around it right now.

Anyway, signing out. For anyone who wants to stay in touch--just send me a PM as I'll do my best to check the board a few times a month.

Tyberius Fel

Rightful Galactic Emperor

I haven't roleplayed you with very much at all besides a brief reply to your fleeter post, but from I've seen your posts are definitely of a high quality and you're held in similarly high regards by the community. Sad to see a good roleplayer go.

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