Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Indefinite LOA

Anyone who writes with me will have seen this coming, but I'm taking a break from the site (at least roleplaying wise) for a little while.

If I'm in any group threads feel free to skip over me, but I have a feeling this only really affects [member='Thurion Heavenshield'] and [member='Coci Heavenshield']. Feel free to fill in the blanks concerning Mysa and Kära for now.

Everyone else, I'm sorry. I'll try to tie up any threads when my muse returns.

Connor Harrison

[member="Kyra Sol"] I'm done.

[member="Kyra Sol"]
Breaks can be healthy! Enjoy the rest :D. You'll probably find the rest gives you muse one day sitting there, and you could think damn I wish I was writing that, just naturally, being a creative person that you are.

When you feel like it again, lots of tips on writers block out there, or finding things you find fun.
Writing the block in an IC form to confront, or just writing junk on a new character (it won't be junk but you'll think it is), or chipping away more gently at it.

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