Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Indefinite LOA​
Change is inevitable, and some changes recently have caused me to re-evaluate how I use what dwindling free time I have available. And, in that calculus, Chaos has begun a luxury that I simply don't have the bandwidth, the muse, or the energy to maintain.

So, I'm taking an LOA and I don't plan on returning.

With that in mind, there are some people I want to thank as I take my leave of you all. This is not an exhaustive list by any means and there are many more I should I wish to thank.

First and foremost, [member="Tefka"] for the fact that this website exists at all. You have a community here that I hope you are proud of.

[member="Irajah Ven"] for being the wonderful writing partner that she is. Boo and Raj were always cute together, but Three and Hirou will remain my fondest memory of any thread I was involved in here. Thank you for that.

[member="Coci Heavenshield"] for being a friend. [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] for listening. [member="Matsu Ike"] for supporting me in whatever I was doing (and caring very little what that 'whatever' might have been).

[member="Captain Jordan"] for introducing me to the site. [member="Miss Blonde"] for the fond memories of my first days here, in the Red Ravens faction.

All the folks who were in the Primeval as well as the folks in the First Order.

[member="Popo"], [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"], [member="Judah Dashiell"], [member="Jorus Merrill"] just to name a few more. If I listed everyone this post would likely go on for pages.

It's been fun. It was a lot of fun, to be honest. And I'm glad to have had an opportunity to have written with some of you and sorry I didn't have an opportunity to write with more of you. And this post has already become longer than I'd hoped, so I'll end it with this.

Stay classy, Chaos.
[member="Boo Chiyo"]

Oh gosh I am going to miss you! But best wishes out there in the real world, and best wishes in all your life beyond this one. You have been a wonderful and such a fun person to write with, and a great guy as well. You are easy to be friends with.

Bye for now Boo Boo, I refuse to say farewell. ^_^


Well, alright. Never thought I'd see this day come. I always loved your characters and your writing, but yes, change is inevitable. Embrace change, never fear it, for life will go on whether you go with it or not.

Best wishes in whatever may come, in your life.



RIP Carlyle Rausgeber

"It's all been bloody marvellous..."
[member="Boo Chiyo"]


To say it's sad to see you go is an understatement. Although we never wrote together, or talked that much, your antics in First Order discord were always amusing, and your threads with Doc [member="Irajah Ven"] were some of the cutsiest poodoo I've ever seen done.

Have a good one, and may the force be with you.

Valessia Brentioch

[member="Boo Chiyo"]

I will miss your writing, your graphics, and everything that you bring to this board. You will be missed in the First Order chat, but times are a changing and you too must change. If you ever get lonely or feel like you want to talk, we'll always be here. Good luck in life, in love and in finding your everything. <3
Tide Bringer (Protector of Mon Cala)
I never had an opportunity to roleplay with you, but it appears you have truly made a lasting impact here on Chaos and on that will be remembered. Good luck in life my friend, may the Force be with you.


Disney's Princess
Oh chit. :(

Well. We've had differing opinions and our share of head-butting too Boo but it's still sad to see you go. Best wishes in your travels. God speed.
[member="Boo Chiyo"] While I am sad that the story of Boo and Raj will have to be put aside, I am thrilled that I was able to write it with you. Thank you for the delightful tale and sharing your character with me.

I understand how other things take precedence over things like this. Live your life to the fullest, whatever that happens to look like, and know that a certain awkward doctor and her writer and wishing you luck and joy :)
[member="Boo Chiyo"]

During your time here I haven't gotten to write with you as much as I would've liked. Your characters, your stories have been great. I am thrilled to have been able to associate and talk with you during the briefest of periods. It's always sad to see a great member leave.

Good luck and I wish you the very best on all of your future endeavors live your life to the fullest!
[member="Boo Chiyo"]

We never directly wrote together, but I was always a big fan of your writing. I hope that everything turns out well for you and that we will get that opportunity for some roleplay at some point.

Until then, cheers and good luck!
Sad to see you go [member="Boo Chiyo"], but I hope that everything works out for you! Always loved reading your posts, even if I wasn't involved.

I never thought I'd say this, but I'm going to miss being called saggy...
[member="Boo Chiyo"]


I'll miss you but best of luck in your classes and personal life. I know you don't plan on returning but if you feel like saying hello be sure to stop on by and give us a quick shout.

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