Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Indefinite LOA

Been trying, and failing, to start back to writing here recently. But due to work and life, I've just not been able to hang on Chaos for hours on end, and can't seem to find people who are up to my slow pace of writing. Been beating my head against a wall trying to get threads the past few weeks, or to find the oomph to reply to them. Seems an utter boom or bust level of activity, and I'm just not synching up with anyone. I'm not tagging anybody, as I wasn't really doing much beyond private projects. Some of those i'll try to finish. Others I won't be bothering with. If you don't know which you are, it's most likely the ones I'm not going to finish.

Stay classy folks.
[member="Ijaat Mereel"] I know the feel take some time and do your thing. I've found it helpful to just run one or two threads and then move on. I'm finally getting back into things after two years! So it takes time, nurse the muse and return to us. Always don't be a stranger and just come lurk in discord :3

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