Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Indefinite Semi-LOA

I'm really terrible at recognizing when I need to post these things. Honestly, I should have done this a week or so ago.

As most of you know, I've been going through the process of exiting a long-term relationship. This has had some effects, the largest of which have been that I have quit school (for now, forever... I don't really know at this point) and I'm now in the process of attempting to find work. I pretty much have April 1st as a hard deadline from my ex-partner to get things together and move on with my life. All in all, it could be a lot worse.

So, that being said, I need to be devoting the bulk of my time and effort to that job hunt, and the subsequent search for a place to live; I need to scale back my activity here, for now. I will still get people posts when I can, it will just take longer. I'll likely effect some prioritization of certain types of threads over others as I have done in the past (and then fail at that and just post to what I feel like posting to, anyway).

I would tag everyone I'm in threads with, but that is a lot of people so it's probably best if you click that nifty 'Characters' button on my profile. To give you some idea, my primary characters as of late are as follows:

[member="Ilias Nytrau"]
[member="Jannik Morlandt"]
[member="Meeristali Peradun"]
[member="Lucianus Adair"]

So, that's about it. I'll keep you all updated if anything changes.
Ilias Nytrau said:
I'm really terrible at recognizing when I need to post these things. Honestly, I should have done this a week or so ago.

As most of you know, I've been going through the process of exiting a long-term relationship. This has had some effects, the largest of which have been that I have quit school (for now, forever... I don't really know at this point) and I'm now in the process of attempting to find work. I pretty much have April 1st as a hard deadline from my ex-partner to get things together and move on with my life. All in all, it could be a lot worse.

So, that being said, I need to be devoting the bulk of my time and effort to that job hunt, and the subsequent search for a place to live; I need to scale back my activity here, for now. I will still get people posts when I can, it will just take longer. I'll likely effect some prioritization of certain types of threads over others as I have done in the past (and then fail at that and just post to what I feel like posting to, anyway).

I would tag everyone I'm in threads with, but that is a lot of people so it's probably best if you click that nifty 'Characters' button on my profile. To give you some idea, my primary characters as of late are as follows:

[member="Ilias Nytrau"]
[member="Jannik Morlandt"]
[member="Meeristali Peradun"]
[member="Lucianus Adair"]

So, that's about it. I'll keep you all updated if anything changes.

I will miss you! Return to me soon! *weeps*

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