Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Indeterminate, Unsure LOA

Those of you that know me well enough, know that my personal life has effectively gone down the drain this week. I need some time without posts owed weighing on me as well, to come to terms with everything that's going on. Could be a few days. Could be a week. Could be more.

To those in the Coruscant invasion, writing with Meeristali Peradun or Tes Dralyn, just write me out or something. For everything else, I'll be back when I can manage to have a lick of will to write. I'm hoping it's soon, because I'll probably drive myself crazy, otherwise. Check my 'Characters' button in my profile if you don't know me that well and am curious about who I write.

I'll still be around on Skype, in some capacity. Know that I will be back, but that I don't know how long it will take.

Hugs are needed and always welcome. Prayers appreciated.

[member="Ilias Nytrau"]

No worries or pressure on posts from my part! Take your time, whenever you feel up for it. :)

Best wishes!

Thank you all for the well wishes. I'm getting back to things around here slowly, trying not to load myself up with too much, for once. [member="Lorelei Darke"] is doing her best to keep me from getting overloaded, when I can't manage to control myself. :p

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