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Approved NPC Individual NPC: Nicholas Cash

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Intent: To have a base member of a minor faction (The Crimson Exchange). I will kill him off once I have a few players in the faction, so he's temporary.
Image Credit:

Role: He is the only founding member of The Crimson Exchange besides Cintak, and thus holds great power in the faction. However, he often disagrees with Cintak's actions, and is a snake, often undermining Cintak.

  • Age: 36
  • Force Sensitivity: Non-Force User
  • Species: Human
  • Appearance: 5'7, muscular, long black hair.
  • Name: Nicholas Cash
  • Loyalties: The Crimson Dawn
  • Wealth: Extremely Wealthy from working with Cintak and the Crimson Exchange.
  • Notable Possessions: Full-time criminal, particularly an assassin and splicer.
  • Skills: Pilot, Splicer, Duelist
  • Personality: Calm, arrogant, prideful, a wolf among sheep, Ambitious, cocky, womanizer. He is essentially full of himself, and thinks the world revolves around him. He wants more than what he has, and plans on eliminating Cintak and taking over the Crimson Exchange.
  • Weapon of Choice: A blaster pistol, a decorated dueling saber, and a boot knife.
  • Combat Function: He is a duelist, and an excellent fighter, however his cocky nature and his plans to kill Cintak make him a liability as he often disobeys orders and gets carried away. He tries to charm, bribe, or talk his way out of fights, but doesn't wait long if he thinks he's failing.
  • Excellent Fighter
  • Good Pilot
  • Reckless (Bold, Cocky, etc)
  • Traitorous
HISTORICAL INFORMATION: Nicholas is one of the two founders of the Crimson Exchange, and is thus an extremely wealthy and influential man. He, unlike Cintak, grew up on Corellia, but his experience with crime is no less than Cintak's. At the age of 15 he took a shuttle out of Corellia, to Nal Hutta, where he immediately became a bounty hunter. For years he worked his way through the ranks of criminals until he met Cintak at the age of 30. For six years he worked with Cintak to build the Crimson Exchange, now a powerful faction in Nal Hutta. It was the actions of Nick that led to the acquisition of an Imperial Star Destroyer when he stole it from a contractor that attempted to kill him. Many of the crew joined the Crimson Exchange. Those that didn't were dealt with, but they led to a huge argument between Cintak and Nick. Nick wanted to execute all of them, Cintak wanted to take all their possessions and send them back to the contractor. Nick backed down, but killed them as soon as they boarded the Star Destroyer. Cintak never learned their fate.
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Zak Dymo

Sethrak Sethrak

I'll be conducting this review for you. There are just a few points that need to be firmed up before this ready to be stamped.

1. Image Credit. may be where you located this image, but it doesn't actually provide credit to the creator of the image, which is what needs to go in this section. This appears to be a still from some cinematic media, in which case I would recommend linking to the IMDB entry for the cinematic source of the image.

2. Permissions.

'-' is not an acceptable response for this field. If N/A, please so state.

3. Affiliation.
Loyalties: The Crimson Dawn

Please link Crimson Dawn here.

Once those points are addressed, this should be ready to be stamped. Please tag me when you have completed any edits.

Cintak Gakon

Zak Dymo

Thank you! You gave very clear instructions, much appreciated!

The changes have been made. "-" is now "N/A", the link is to IMDB's page, and Crimson Dawn is linked.
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