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Approved Tech Industrial Supervision Drone 1

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: Sub a droid. Help criminals become responsible citizens.
Image Source: Here.
Canon Link: N/A.
Permissions: N/A
Primary Source: N/A.

: Archangel Research and Design
Affiliation: Archangel Research and Design
Market Status: Closed-Market
Model: Industrial Supervision Drone 1.
Modularity: NeuroDigital Matrix can be replaced with standard droid brain. Aesthetics and tool loadout can be altered as desired. Can be outfitted with drills, power saws, welders, fusion cutters, plasma torches, scomp links, and various construction and engineering tools. The droid can theoretically carry armaments, but is not good in combat.
Production: Minor
Material: Durasteel Chassis; electronics and droid components.

: Not directly applicable, as it is controlled by an organic consciousness inside a NeuroDigitalMatrix. But strictly speaking it would be Second Degree.
Weight: Average
Height: Large
Movement: Bipedal
Armaments: The droid has an array of tools for construction and engineering work including drills, welders, fusion cutters, plasma torches, grips and hammers etc. Can theoretically be weaponised, but is not a combat model and performs poorly if used as one.
Misc. Equipment:

  • NeuroDigitalMatrix
  • Secret holonet transceiver used by Archangel to control or monitor units.
  • Vocabulator
  • Photoreceptors
  • ‘Kill switch’ command code.
  • Temperature and radiation shielding.
  • Communication suite to receive and give orders.
  • Advanced sensors and scanners, various engineering tools.
  • Controlled by an organic consciousness via a NeuroDigitalMatrix. Able to act as a supervisor for labour and engineering/maintenance droids.
  • Combined organic ingenuity, intelligence and adaptability with mechanical tirelessness and discipline. It is able to act as a supervisor for regular labour drones.
  • Generates productive employment and education opportunities for convicted felons.
  • The droid has not been designed with combat in mind. It could be modified accordingly, but even then its performance will be poor.
  • Disabling the NeuroDigital Matrix will render the droid inert. The device is shielded, but heavy ion or EMP blasts can disable it. The droid is a civilian model and thus lacks special protection against lightsabres.

Archangel is a benevolent company that strives to build a better future through use of technology and droids. Its employees work tirelessly for the betterment of organic beings, regardless of species, creed or gender. It envisages a future characterised by equality and abundance of resources for all. The best way to achieve this is through a fusion of organics and synthetic life forms.

As part of this benign programme, Archangel designed the NeuroDigital Matrix, a digitalised brain that contains an organic's consciousness. It can give organic beings a second lease of life and allow them to interchange bodies. However, its applications are not limited to being implanted in organic bodies, but in sturdy droid ones. One of Archangel's first applications was to give convicted felons a second chance by letting them be implanted in droid worker bodies.

Archangel offers privatized prison facilities for rehabilitation and reeducation. The focus lies on reform rather than retribution. A stay in an Archangel prison is transformative. The inmate will discover a new side to them they never thought existed, learn new skills and understand their civic duties. By the time an inmate has been released, they will be a wholly new person. It can even help fanatical militants of failed totalitarian regimes embark on a path of redemption. As the Jedi say, anyone can be redeemed if they sincerely want to atone and have the right mentor.

In order to keep inmates productive, Archangel's prison stations have workshops and learning modules. However, the best way for inmates to contribute is by repaying their debt to society outside of the stations. Their consciousness is uploaded into the NeuroDigital Matrix, which is then implanted into the body of the labour droid called the Industrial Supervision Drone 1. These machines have been affectionately nicknamed the Reticents of Productive Labour. The transfer process is clean and painless. Their organic body can, meanwhile, be used for productive endeavours. Once they have completed their sentence, the former inmate can be returned to their old body. In those rare instances where it is not available, Archangel will provide them with a replacement host body. Sometimes the replacement may be in some ways less capable than the original, but this is an isolated occurence.

Prior to integration, each convict undergoes various sessions of behavioural therapy and resocialisation so that they understand the process that led them to their sentencing and that they have been given a chance to make things right. They are also taught skills pertinent to their new role. Moreover, they are weaned off aggressive, anti-social behaviour and endowed them with a healthy respect for lawful authority. Conveniently, the matrix is compatible with flash learning.

Archangel has signed mutually beneficial agreements with various government and reputable private entities for the deployment of these mechanical units. Since the unit is controlled by an organic consciousness, it is more capable of independent thought and taking initiative than a simple labour drone bound by linear programming. This means it requires less supervision from above. The droid is designed to act as a supervisor for regular droids, using its advanced intelligence and organic ingenuity to direct work for hours on end without rest. The unit is larger than a human so that it can get physical with items if needed.

The unit is perfect for construction duties. It is able to operate in virtually any environment, though its most common use is carrying out construction tasks and cleaning up areas devastated by warfare. Moreover, it is useful for directing search and rescue efforts, entering mildly radioactive areas and such. In doing so the convicts can repay their debt to society by helping people instead of inflicting harm on them. This is also meant to teach them empathy. All in all, the unit is a win-win situation. Its deployment frees up organics from dangerous, repetitive and menial tasks whilst also ensuring that the criminal and the shirker are productively employed and learn skills that will benefit them after they have served their time.

Archangel wants the inmates to be able to start a new life after the completion of their sentence, so they earn money for their work. Obviously the inmates do not really have anything they would want to spend their hardly earned credits on since Archangel takes care of all their needs while their consciousness is housed inside the droid body. Thus a portion of their wages goes into a compulsory saving scheme for use on release. Another part is donated to a victims' charity and a third is sent to their dependents, should they have any in need of support. This is particularly pertinent if the inmate is the main breadwinner in the family, as it would be tragic if his or her children were driven to a life of crime. A portion of Archangel's earnings are donated to various police forces and charities. Archangel supports safe streets and rational crime prevention.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Enyo Typhos Enyo Typhos

Very nicely written and done submission. The weaknesses and strengths are nicely balanced, the description is very atmospheric. I didn't even find any problems with it. Enjoy your new droid.

However, since I am just a trainee, the submission needs a secondary approval.

Pending approval.

John Locke John Locke
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