Camellia Swift

- Intent: For Rendili to Develop a solid battlecruiser sized Command Vessel
- Image Source: FractalSponge
- Canon Link: Canon Version of Ship
- Restricted Missions: No Fancy Metals Here!
- Primary Source: (Please link and cite the sources which you are modifying for your use in your submission.)
- Manufacturer: Rendili Stardrive
- Model: Inexpugnable Class Tactical Command Ship
- Affiliation: Free World Coalition/Rendili Contracts (Closed Market)
- Production: Semi-unique
- Material: Duranium, Alusteel, Titanium, Glasteel, Transparisteel
- Classification: Command Ship
- Length: 3,000 Meters
- Width: 3,000 Meters
- Height: 1,450 Meters
- Crew: 21,000
- Onboard Compliment: 18,000
- Defenses: Moderate (Very High if Full Powered)
- Hangar: 14 Starfighter Squadrons, 24 Various Shuttles (High)
- Maneuverability Rating: Low
- Speed Rating: Low (Moderate if Full Power)
- Hyperdrive Class: 1.2
- Two Ventral Weapon Blisters - Mounted with three full degree swivel Heavy Dual Long Range Turbolaser Batteries
- Two Rear Ventral Weapon Blisters - Mounted with a full degree swivel Heavy Dual Long Range Ion Cannon Battery each
- Two Ventral Mounted Heavy Dual Long Range Ion Cannon Batteries with full degree swivel
- Fifty Two Dorsal Mounted Light Turbolaser Cannons with fixed 160° angles
- Thirty Six Light Turbolaser Cannons with 207° angles mounted along the tower fin
- Sixteen Light Turbolaser Cannons with fixed 160° angles
- One Hundred Heavy Laser Cannon Emplacements, ringing the hull
- One Hundred Point Defense Emplacements, with clusters around major weapon blisters, the engine housing, hangar, and bridge
- Six Tractor Beam Batteries (Two Ventral, Two Dorsal, and Two on the Tower)
- Proton-8 Reactors: Sporting eight Proton-8 Reactors, the Inexpugnable Class Tactical Command Ships generate massive amounts of power. With each Proton-8 generating enough energy to operate an Imperial II Star Destroyer, but at 1/4 the size of an I-a2b Solar Ionization Reactor, not only do the numerous reactors enable the Inexpugnable to boost an individual system to its maximum but they also take very little room compared to typical starship power plants allowing more space for the hangar and other systems. One reactor is fully dedicated to the Inexpugnable's enhanced Battle Analysis Computer.
- Slave Rigged Circuitry Control: Despite the name's suggestion, slave rigging did not involve the use of enslaved sentients. Rather, a Slave Rigged System was where a starship's systems were built into the ship together rather than independently in places. For example rigging navigation and engine systems so they ran on the same loop. Doing so reduced the crew and cost to operate and maintain rigged systems, but did leave them vulnerable to being knocked out at the same time when a single system took a hit. In regards specifically to the Inexpugnable Class as Command Ships, they are outfitted with Control Circuitry to directly control appropriate Slave Rigged vessels within its own fleet. A feat which is noteworthy only as a result of the BAC.
- Battle Analysis Computer: The battle analysis computer, or BAC for short, is a predictive tactical program dedicated to analyzing enemy forces and automatically preparing appropriate fleet configurations and battle movements and strategies. In the past during the Galactic Civil War the technology was limited, however, now though Rendili Stardrive has created a more reliable system which has already seen use aboard the Will of the Force and is built off the Vanjervalis Systems from the original Inexpugnable design. While not as automatic as the system aboard the Unique Will of the Force, the BAC units aboard the new Inexpugnables share its sophistication to a degree. Using an array of dedicated server banks to handle the strain of the rapid and instantaneous computing with information coming in from advanced active and passive sensor array suites, all powered by one of the Command Ship's Proton-8 Reactors, the BAC continuously receives sensory data from the Inexpugnable and allied forces within its vicinity to detect enemy ship profiles, their locations, as well as evaluate the state of the enemy signatures in addition to that of its allies, and then by utilizing its immense array of databanks to run calculations, the Inexpugnable's BAC unit generates real time strategic and tactical information for a fleet. Specifically the BAC will use its computations and sensor data to detect weakness in enemy ship shields and hull signatures, providing targeting data for allied gunners to focus on those weakpoints, while at the same time tracking enemy gun emplacement trajectories and ship movements to predict and project a path through the battle for allied ships to incur the least amount of damage while preventing collapse of the fleet's formation. If an allied fleet is Slave Rigged, the BAC can allow for near direct control of the skeleton crewed vessels as well.
- Hyperwave Transciever
- Tractor Beam
- Passive Sensor Array
- Communication Array
- Navigational Systems
- Life Support
- Holding Cells
- BAC: The Inexpugnable's Battale Analysis Computer gives it an immense edge in being chosen for Fleet Formations. Capable of generating tactical and strategic information in real time. It's level is almost at Battle Meditation. (more details in special features)
- Full Power: Due to its numerous power plants, and the Proton-8 Reactors immense quality as one, the Inexpugnable Class can alternate where its power is diverted. While it cannot fully power all systems at once, a system that is being powered to its maximum is stronger than it normally is until the power is diverted away.
- Large Profile: At 3,000 meters wide and 3,000 meters long, and half that tall, the Inexpugnable class are impossible to miss in battle. As a result they are a clear target for enemy fleets and hard to miss given the amount of mass able to be shot at.
- Inescapably Slow: In addition to its large size, the Inexpugnable Class is slow even among Battlecruisers. Its maneuverability means even should it accelerate briefly, it is improbable for it to chase down any target. Nor can it readily avoid incoming enemy attack, an added detriment to its already vulnerable size.
Fast Forwarding to the present, Rendili Stardrive has picked up the Inexpugnable line again to produce and field them once more. A unique Inexpugnable, the Will of the Force, was already produced for the Silver Jedi Order just prior to the conflicts of the Sith with the Republic. It boasted modular shields, solar ionization cannons, hundreds of capital ship weaponry, a BAC system tied inherently into the Silver Jedi's massive system wide array of monitoring stations, and with compartments to house a miniature Jedi Temple in essence. While perhaps the single most advanced starship the company had developed in modern memory, the new standardized line for the Inexpugnable Class Tactical Command Ship deviates from the design purposefully built for the Silver Jedi.
New standardized Inexpugnable Class Tactical Command Ships are outfitted with a series of Proton-8 Reactors rather than an isotope-5. These small, yet overpowered hypermatter reactors generate immense power and because of their numbers and conduct layout they can divert where full power is allocated between systems. The Inexpugnable also abandons the unique weaponry and modular shielding seen on the Will for typical turbolaser and ion cannon batteries, with an emphasis on its major weapon blisters and anti-starfighter laser cannons. In exchange for the loss of specialized weapons, the standardized class line brings back its original fighter compliment, allowing for great numbers in starfighter support. However, what the Inexpugnable line keeps from the prototype is the Battle Analysis Computer. Capable of computing sensory data from its advanced sensors and those of allied vessels in real time thanks to entire deck dedicated to supporting databanks, the BAC can generate tactical and strategic information at a rapid pace. Specifically it can analyze data to target weakpoints in enemy shields and hull, feeding targeting data to gunners, while also tracking enemy weapon emplacements and ship movement to guide ships through the battle while incurring minimal damage and still maintaining fleet formation effectiveness.