Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Information bounty on One Sith operations on Coruscant

Ugohr Poof

The Traveling Gungan Salesman
Name of Bounty: One Sith personnel that fought on Coruscant
Name of Contractor: Galactic Alliance
Bounty Price: Up to 20,000 credits or a free Republic Engineering Corporation product of equivalent value for credible information
Condition: Information only at this stage; relevant information with respect to One Sith operations during Operation Blackout
Additional Info: Payment/reward will be based solely on the credibility of the information and may include a bonus depending on what information is given to the Galactic Alliance
** Bounty for Information has been approved by the Alliance High Command. **

Otto Shule, Current CEO of the Republic Engineering Corporation approves of the aforementioned Bounty, and shall keep his end of the bargain should any presented information and evidence be credible, hastening the capture of those involved.

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