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Approved NPC Ingmar, The Silver Tongue

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  • Intent: To expand on one of Svaru's three Huscarls.
  • Image Credit: Efflam Mercier
  • Role: One of Svaru's Huscarls that act as bodyguards, squad commanders for any military force Ingmar has control over, and messengers. Generally just carrying out Svaru's will to the best of their abilities.
  • Links: Svaru
  • Age: 24
  • Force Sensitivity: Non-Force User
  • Species: Cerevessian
  • Appearance: Young and generally attractive to most, Ingmar carries himself with the confidence of someone who knows how to get what he wants whenever he wants it. He's always grinning some stupid grin as if he knows something you don't and his cocky and full of himself demeanor usually gets on other people's nerves pretty quickly.


  • Name: Ingmar, Huscarl
  • Loyalties: Second Triumvirate and Svaru
  • Wealth: Upper-middle-class
  • Notable Possessions: Durasteel Longsword handcrafted by Svaru
  • Skills:
Conman: Ingmar is a prodigy of negotiation and wordplay, and is able to manipulate most fools or unsuspecting people into doing as he wishes with relative ease.

Swordsman: Like all of Svaru's huscarls, he is efficient with his melee weapon of choice (Aka the longsword) and is quite proud of his skills, practicing frequently with Svaru or the other huscarls to better hone his abilities.

Mercenary: Outside of his conman skills, he is still a mercenary, and thus has training in military combat. Although not a stereotypical professional even though he serves under Svaru in the Triumvirate's military, he can hold his own on the battlefield with a variety of modern weapons.
  • Personality: Ingmar earned his nick name 'Silver Tongue' precisely because of his personality and skills. He's cocky, vain, manipulative, self-obsessed, yet also strictly loyal and friendly to his comrades. When confronted he often drags things out, teasing and messing with his confronter for his own amusement. Pretty much everything he does is for that goal, amusement and/or debauchery.


  • Weapon of Choice: Blaster Pistol.
  • Combat Function: Ingmar prefers to stay in the back, away from the combat as much as possible, shooting off a round here and there at targets strategically, such as when he sees they're standing to get out of cover.

Ingmar had always just been an ordinary kid, that was until he found himself booted from his parent's basement, penniless, and with very little to his name. His education was lacking, he certainly wasn't fit, but by golly he could say please. At first his manipulations fell short very often, people giving him what he wanted mostly out of pity than his ploy working.. but after a few years he quickly figured out what worked and what didn't, and graduated from being a bumb to owning his own penthouse, owned and paid for by one of his many mistresses.

Yet, his life seemed meaningless. Because, well, it was. Thus he searched out somewhere to call his own, leaving behind the wealth and prestige of the penthouse for the muddy encampent of the battlefield. Within the Iron-Oak Company, he met Svaru and although their relationship was at best distant, their quickly bonded on the battlefields as they hunted down large bandit gangs and pirates within the small reaches of Triumvirate space and the wildernesses of Confracta.

When Svaru left the Iron-Oak Company to purchase his title as Theign, he brought Ingmar along as a key component to his future plans.
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