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Inperantike Athroxis

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Inperantike Athroxis

..:: Inperantike Athroxis ::..
..:: High Lady of House Athroxis ::..
Alaznist Ashkal Athroxis
"As long as I draw breath, Axum shall fight... Now, do I have your loyalty, Captian?"
Image Credit: [Here]
..:: Table of Contents ::..

Inperantike Athroxis

..:: Biographical Information ::..

  • Axum

  • 810 ABY
    ​34 Years Old - Galactic Standard Calendar

  • TBD

..:: Biological Classification ::..

  • Human
  • Hapan

Gender: Female

Height: 1.82 meters
Weight: 62.5 kilograms

Eye Color:
  • Roman Silver

Hair Color:
  • Auburn-Red

Skin Color:
  • Alabaster

Force Sensitive: No

..:: Political Affiliation ::..

  • House Athroxis
  • Azure Imperium

  • High Lady of House Athroxis
  • Inperantike of the Azure Imperium

Inperantike Athroxis

..:: Appearance ::..

Roman silver, a hue of blue-grey that pierces reality; yet showing a softness behind them that would otherwise belittle the true nature of their possessor. The gleaming hue, shimmering in the soft sunlight; emphasized more with the application of dark cosmetics. Appearing as a shining moon light pool in the darkness as they fall upon those whom often become enraptured by their softness and welcoming nature, unknowing of what lies beneath. Every now and again those few that come close enough see it, the glint in her eye, the shimmering shift. For a moment they see it, the fire that lies beneath, hidden behind the dulcet hues of silver.

Whilst silvery hues confuse and sedate, soft lips curl; full and plump. An aspect of her figure that she was reminded constantly in her youth that she had inherited from her mother's side of the family. A brushing of red to bring out their natural fullness and to compliment the fiery head of hair. Though not as bright and vibrant as many in the galaxy, it shows a fire that burns just as brilliantly within her own heart. Many a times has her father joked that had she been born with a fire upon her head, then she would have been much more of a handful that she had been. The length cut short out of practicality and self desire; not permitting it to reach the gaudy length to be tied up into ridiculous sculptures like other nobility. Rather it was a style that she fell in love with at a young age upon seeing the many women in the navy and serving aboard various vessels had cut their hair and kept it as such.

Alabaster white, almost pale in comparison to ice and snow; faultless and without a scratch, a sign of her Hapan heritage. The beauty that she so adores; yet does not go out of her way of ensuring it remain as such. For what would it mean if she put all her time in her appearance and none in her skills as a stateswoman? Though like many, she still spends some time ensuring that her skin remains smooth and without a hint of damage. Her clothing often ensuring that her own exposure to the sun is limited; with some rumors being that she is caked in foundation to ensure that she remains such a pale color. In truth she merely ensures that she remains in contact with sunlight as little as possible.

Of course it goes without saying that she dresses for the mantle that was thrust upon her at a young age. A military style dress; even if it is a gown. A long flowing cloak clasped upon her shoulders to further show the mantle that sites heavy upon her collarbone. The trappings of her title and position, sashes and medals; along with the gauntlet of stars, a holoprojector wrapped around her arm, the generator of which rests within her hand. It appears as needed, revealing the ever shifting political landscape of the galaxy at a moments notice.

Gowns and dress uniforms take up swaths of her closet, waiting their turn to be adorned upon the ruler. The vestments of office showing both her own gravitas and the might that she wields. For her, her appearance and demeanor reveal just as much as the clothing that she wears in public. Those gowns designed to both accent her natural features, while also ensuring that they not invite prying eyes. For there is a fine line between modesty and sultry; one that she carefully dances upon precariously.

In private though she is more relaxed than reserved, and what clothing she does were is such that only a few lovers and close aides have seen more of her than she permits viewed in public. The long and lengthy gowns, covering much of her figure; the heavy cloak, cast aside for comfort and relaxation. Those few are ever permitted or even come close enough to see her in such a manner.

Gowns that reveal her figure, often sheer and of lace; the articles of clothing that one would only ever wear around a lover or close confidant. For her though it is more of a show to herself that she is not all rigidity, that a side of her youth remains within her. For there are times when being prim and proper are fine; though in private she enjoys the time when she can be free and feel the soft, cool breeze upon her bare skin.

Inperantike Athroxis

..:: Personality ::..
Passion burns behind those eyes, a heart of fire fills her soul with a resolve that should frighten those around her. As a singular being she can be destroyed... ignored and forgotten. Thus she seeks to ensure that she becomes a symbol, something that would strike terror into the hearts of abusers and fill the accosted with hope. For as a symbol she is something more... incorruptible and everlasting. As the One Sith fragment and shatter as all Sith Empire's do, she turns her eyes and the fire within her very being to the stars. Once the world of Axum sat at the confluence of a powerful entity; a state that was a founder of the Old Republic and if she has her way she shall see it as such once more.

That fire with in her burns brilliantly, and it engulfs her spirit as she sees what should rightfully belong to the Axumites and Anaxsi squandered and destroyed. Her resolve is to ensure that they rise once more, and she will use every bit of her power and the prestige of her worlds to draw others to her cause. The Core Worlds were once a bastion of freedom and liberty; guarded by the mighty Stronghold on Anaxes; whose fleets were carefully commanded and directed by the political might of Axum. This is the future that she sees for the Galaxy.

A Core protected by Axum; pushing all others out and ensuring that the Core Remains the center of civilization that it had once been. To achieve this end though, a task she does not take lightly; she must ensure that the ends can not and will not justify the means. For what is it to achieve a victory if it means destroying your beliefs and convictions in the process? No, she would rather see her worlds crumble as to follow the mentality of the ends justify the means is no more than a pyrrhic victory.

Thus she seeks to temper her fire, the side of her personality that would otherwise urge her to act in passion than caution and calculation. Her hand must be heavy and firm; though at the same time malleable and just. For her she is to be the Paragon, an individual to be looked upon, her actions and behavior emulated by others. She is that which shall set the president of all that she come after her.

Freedom can not be won at the cost of Victory; nor can it be won by needlessly throwing away the lives of others. A pyrrhic victory is no more a victory than one can claim that they won because their enemy became tired of slaughtering them.

The ends shall never justify the means, and she aims to see to it that such a mentality does not infest and corrupt those that would pledge themselves to the endeavor of reclaiming the Core Worlds.

Inperantike Athroxis

..:: Character Traits ::..
Born into her station in life, she had not seen a need to want for anything. Since an early age she was provided the best schooling that the galaxy could offer and she found herself excelling in scholarly pursuits. In fact, her greatest strength can be said to be the schooling that she received in her youth as it formed the foundation that she would build herself up. Thus it also brought forth the other traits and strengths that blossomed as she aged. Of course it also brought out the downsides of her own being; though those shall be visited in a later section. For the most part she spent much of her time delving into whatever subject was brought before her, and even her own instructors would remark that she had a need for knowledge; a mind that seemed to soak up what information was placed before her eyes.

Perhaps it was this that turned her into a cunning linguist? Languages seemed to become a favorite pass time for the young woman, and she sought to ensure that she was as gifted and versed in the various languages of the galaxy. Be that by learning to speak the language, or just coming to understand it if she lacked the proper vocal cord construction in order to speak the words. Thus she found herself capable of speaking to many of her fellow pupils while she attended the various academies that she found herself attending.

Furthermore it would come to help her later in life during her service in the Axum System Defense Fleet. For it was not just schooling that would shape the young woman; even she has said that it was during her years in military service that she saw her other traits blossom. She served as best she could for the time she had, though she would have to step away from the navy that she so loved to take her place upon the throne, she always looked fondly upon the memories and her time spent on the various vessels.

It was during that time in the Naval Defense Fleet that she found her other traits pushed to the surface. Her ambitious nature to do the best she could, to strive for greatness. Her ambition saw her promoted and saw that she would push to complete whatever was assigned to her, even going so far as to accept postings and missions that many others turned down. Of course she could not complete such endeavors alone, and that is what brings us to her greatest quality, one that saw those under her command stand up and volunteer each time she stepped forward.

Charisma, there is a lot to say for such a simple trait. Charisma has seen a small force triumph over greater numbers than thought possible. It has seen and carried hope upon the day so that others do not despair. Her force of personality, the way that she brings people together as she speaks to them; often at times causing others to believe that their actions are their own, rather than the suggestions shes placed within their minds. Charisma is a powerful trait, one that she seeks to use to ensure that her people shall survive and rise up once the moment is right.

All of this hides much more humble traits, though they are still seen. A cleverness that she attempts to hide, to ensure that others not see her as a threat until they realize their folly at the last moment. A heavy hand that is just as firm as it is gentle when it comes to her dealings with others. What she plans to utilize these traits for, none can say, though it is a goal that she herself believes is of the utmost importance and is willing to put her own life as the ante.

Inperantike Athroxis

..:: Character Flaws ::..

Just as ambition can be a great trait, it can be an individual's greatest flaw. Whilst she is ambitious, it also has in the past caused her to over look minor details. An ambitious mind can just as easily miss minor details in the over all picture, so focused upon the grand scale ending that they do not believe anything can stand in their way. A few times in her life this has happened, causing her to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory as it were. Though she tends to do her best in understanding how she has failed and learn from those mistakes, her ambition can still at times get the best of her.

Though that is only the small tip of the iceberg; for she is merely human after all, though that does not mean she is weak. Merely she understands that she has her flaws and as best as she can to ensure that they do not appear, that is not always the case. For at times she is impetuous, brash in her actions as she seeks to rush a victory rather than erring on the side of her cautious nature as she should. It is this behavior that she chides herself for the most, and seeks to better, even as she continues to age.

Among her other flaws though are those that many have fallen prey; though for the most part it has more to do with how she speaks to others and approaches certain situations. For as charismatic as she is, she is still rather brash; having no full grasp on just how to be subtle or tactful. This flaw though is grown from her time in the military service, not seeing a need to 'sugarcoat' or otherwise beat around the bush as it were. For her she would rather speak bluntly than to tiptoe around a situation. This of course is not always welcomed, and has caused her fair share of arguments to arise.

However she feels that many of her flaws are easily overlooked. For her though it is her overthinking that causes her the greatest of problems; even as ambitious as she is, she has caused her own plans to grind to a halt due to her over analyzing a situation. She views a problem from all angles and does her best to come up with the course of action; though even then she always keeps thinking, finding ways she might have made a mistake, or might do better in an area. There have been times when she's been pulled away from a planning table for her constantly changing of a plan, and it has become a hindrance to her from time to time.

These days she finds herself more cautious than need be, though she still fights with herself internally. As the years go by and the coming days rear themselves, she is getting better. She stops herself from time to time, and catches her mouth more often now than she had before. The mantle of ruler was thrust upon her, and she is doing her best to fill that role and become the stateswoman that she knows she can be; that she must become.

Inperantike Athroxis

..:: The Chronology of Athroxis Part I ::..

..:: Birth of an Empress ::..

In many cultures it is said that certain omens herald the birth of an individual of great promise, one that is to change the very fabric of reality. The Chiss have their own version, those born of certain parents. Those of a reptilian genus believe that a certain color of scales marked one for greatness. In the Athroxis family they held their own beliefs, passed down since time immemorial that those of the family born with silver eyes would come to do great things; be they good or terrible was anyone's guess. Thus on this special day, as a woman screamed out in labor and a father waited, their ancient traditions and beliefs took hold.

A girl, born in the chambers of her parents and swaddled in silken linens opened her eyes for the first time within a galaxy of a tenuous peace; a powder keg awaiting a light. Those silver hues falling upon her mother as she lay wrapped in the finery of nobility. A family surprised and welcoming of their silver eyed daughter, their minds focusing upon the future and what it was to hold. What would this little girl accomplish in her life, and would it be for the greater good, or would she plunge the Galaxy further into darkness?

Such thoughts and worries could be dealt with another time as her little voice cried out; the first in many sessions of wailing and crying. From that moment on she was dotted upon, and even as her own parents had many more children, she was one in a million. None of her siblings that came after held silver hues, and many would look upon her with awe, respect, fear and anger. She would galvanize many of her siblings in the years to come, pushing them to achieve great things all because of a single moment of random chance. All because she was born with silver eyes; and in time even she would begin to accept and believe the ancient Athroxis traditions. Pushing herself to achieve greatness and live up to the legends of her family.

..:: What do you know of the Galaxy ::..

When you were her age, a young child, what did you know of the galaxy? What was there for you to take, to come to know or provided so that you could learn? For this young girl there was everything, and there was nothing that she needed to beg, or plead for just to have access. All she need do was ask, and even then at times she was merely given more without a single word being spoken. Her silvery hues falling upon the words of the pages as her mind devoured the knowledge lain out before her.

Tiny hands would hold onto large tomes that could easily dwarf her, balanced awkwardly in her lap as she sound out every word and letter. That was just the basics though, and soon she was searching for more. The library of her family home was filled with the sounds of giggles and shifting pages as she moved from book to book. Entire stacks pulled down and strewn across the room, left there once she was completed and ready to pull another down from the shelf. There were times when she became flustered, nearly throwing tantrums when the servants put the books back for she "Lost her place and had to start all over again". A few times of such a thing happening and eventually it was learned to leave the books in their piles.

What few books she couldn't read, or had trouble with, she thrust into her parent's hands, making them read to her at all hours. It didn't seem to matter if they were working or not, and if it came down to it, there were a few nights in which the servants were up late reading through some dusty tome because the little mistress desired for the book to be read. It was this early fascination with words that would see her become enamored with languages as she grew older.

..:: The Core Worlds ::..

In a time before the galaxy fell to war, when peace was tenuous at best though still existed; when the Republic held the Core Worlds and was seeking to ensure the continued growth of civilization in the galaxy. Her family became well known for their various trips, moving throughout the Core Worlds and furthering the knowledge and education of their children. For many they would view such trips and spending as another sign that the nobility had too much. Others would find it odd that they would waste so much just for their children's sake, never once understanding that for the Athroxis was a family that held their children in high esteem and valued their learning. They would no sooner spend money for a gaudy trip than a simple worker would spend the credits on some 'luxury' item that was unneeded.

Thus much of her early and formative years were spent not only in the library of their family home, they were spent aboard private vessels moving among the stars. Trips to the other Core Worlds were frequent and such trips began to stimulate the young girl's mind even further. She would spend the hours on trips listening to the alien crew members on the various vessels. Listening to their words and languages and even being taught a few words here and there just so the crew member could get back to work.

There was more than one time when she distracted a member of the crew just so she could learn their language; and more than once she was scolded for such behavior. Though she was always welcomed by the crew and they were happy to see that a human was so eager to learn of their language and their people. She would think nothing of it at the time, though in the years to come she understood that this was where she learned the most; where the hand that would guide her and turn her into the woman she had become first touched her shoulder.

Those trips among the stars, hopping from Core World to Core World and even venturing into the Deep Core. Every world the family came across was another that she fell in love with, though her heart always returned home to Axum and the people there. To the books in the family library and the servants that taught her so much. Though the time was coming when the young girl was to begin her life, to be groomed, taught and trained to take the throne that her father held.

..:: The Azure Princess ::..
Named as such for the ancient Azure Imperium that once spread from Axum, the title was given to the eldest once they were ready. That day was once she still remembers, the worry and fear that welled up inside of her. She questioned what would happen if she did something wrong, if she fell or made herself an embarrassment in front of all those in attendance. She had even brought herself to tears with the thought that her father would take the title away from her, deciding she was not ready. Though it was her father that reassured her that she was ready, that this preteen girl had shown great things in her life. The way she helped with her siblings the way that she was always challenging them.

Even with that comfort of knowing, she was still terrified as she stepped out of the shadows of the room. Her eyes taking a moment to adjust to the bright light as she held her hand up and stepped out onto the balcony. The cheers of the crowd below causing her to freeze for a moment, frightened and scared. Then she looked to her father and mustered the courage to step forward, looking upon the crowd below. These were the people she would reign over when she was of age and it was her time to take the throne.

That still didn't help her much on that day, and she went through the motions, putting on a good show, all the while holding back the terror that was welling up inside of her. It was only because of her family that she managed, the soft reassuring hand upon her shoulder from her father. The smile from her mother, and the faces that her siblings pulled off to the side to distract her. This day was still remembered, and held close as one of her fondest of memories, the day she was named as the Azure Princess, the rightful heir to succeed her father in time.

..:: Friends and Family ::..

Through all her years there was a constant that was always at her side, those of her family and what few friends she was able to make. They kept her grounded, kept her in her place as it were and rather than permitting it, as was often with other children of nobility, she was kept in line. Not once did she throw a tantrum because she couldn't have something, nor did she abuse what her station in life would permit her to do. She kept on the straight and narrow, those teaching her instilling in her the values that would guide her through the rest of her life. She was in a position of power and it was her responsibility to use it to help others, not to harm them.

She took those lessons to heart as a child, always demanding that things be fair, even as a child she didn't like it something was out of place. She looked at those that did wrong not with disgust, though she did her best to attempt to understand why they did what they had done. As she slowly moved through the years, her attention to such thoughts remained a constant, and her friends and family were always there. Her bonds with her younger siblings were something different though, often they were strained because of the praise and attention give to their eldest sister.

This was something she never liked, and at times she would try her best to keep attention off of herself; and more than once she had taken the blame for something her siblings had done to keep them from getting in trouble. All the while she remained as she was, wanting nothing more than for her siblings to be happy. She would go out of her way to keep them in line as well when she could, even if they seemed to dislike her. This didn't bother her, and in time she learned to turn it into a powerful tool, a means to galvanize her siblings to action. She would push her siblings, making them achieve greatness just as great as she if not more so.

..:: What the Galaxy Holds ::..

Curiosity will always be in the mind of the youthful and it was always a constant figure in her own mind. As she finished reading through the family library many times over, she sought out more about the Galaxy. She sought out books she had not ready to learn about those that called the Galaxy home. She found herself drawn to the knowledge, and even things as vile as those books focused on Humanocentrism still had their place in her mind as well. While she did not agree on the view, the books themselves had knowledge, points of view and other such little trivial facts of information there were important to learn. She wanted to understand why these people felt the way they did; or was it just that those who espoused Humanocentrism were using it as a tool to unite humanity for a singular goal and purpose.

Philosophical questions abound and she found herself constantly wondering about the pros and cons of humanocentrism just as equally as the views of the Diversity Alliance and other Aliencentric organizations. Even with such happenings having been in the past, those views still remained to this day and they were difficult to shake off. She found herself wondering how she would rule when the came time, would she focus solely upon humans and be branded as just another humanocentric, or would she be viewed as a traitor to her kind for helping the alien species of the galaxy?

Entire nights were spent thinking and pondering upon the wonders and knowledge that the Galaxy held. She would focus for days at a time on thoughts and mull them over as often as she could. Knowledge itself was a powerful tool, a weapon that could be just as destructive as a blast from a bomb. In all this time though she kept pushing herself to learn more, to find the histories and cultures of everything and anyone she came across, to read about those peoples that shared the galaxy. Even their languages were quickly absorbed and taken in as she tried her best to understand and speak them.

..:: The Azure Crown ::..
Though she had been named as such, the prospect of being the Azure Princess, essentially the crown princess of Axum was not something she looked fondly upon. Even as she gathered knowledge to make herself a better person, one that could rule, she always dreaded the possibility that it would happen. She was hoping that perhaps her Father would see the error in his decision and name someone else as his heir so that she could go about her life as she wanted. Learning about the Galaxy and perhaps one day running off world to travel. Though this would not be the case, and her desire to do as such would need to be fulfilled in a different means.

The Azure Crown of the Athroxis family sat upon her head now, and it was official. She would be the heir apparent and now there was nothing she really could do in terms of slipping out of the responsibility. When the time came she would take to the throne, though she was still hoping that would be many years off, seeing as her father was still in the prime of his life. For a girl her age, a teenager still trying to figure out where she fit in the galaxy, being the carrier of a crown was still terrifying.

This responsibility however was one that she would come to embrace, be it by being pushed towards it, or coming to that conclusion upon her own, none could say. For a time she pondered on how she could get out of it, if there was some ancient law in one of her books that would let her slip away; though there was nothing that would stick or remain solid. She was the heir and she would have to come to terms with that sooner or later, though she preferred later as there was much for her still left to take in. She never felt she was ready for what was to come next, nor to this day does she believe that she truly was the right choice.

..:: Groomed for the Throne ::..

Named as her father's heir, her life changed when she was just cresting her sixteenth year of life. Now she was being groomed for the life of an empress, groomed to sit upon a gilded throne and led others by her own example. It was a terrifying thought, still is. Though she took to it as best she could, and when she wasn't being schooled on the proper etiquette or how to welcome foreign dignitaries to the court, she was lost in the family library scouring through those books. It was her way of relaxing and unwinding after spending a day being taught how to dance if someone offered such a gesture. She learned what it meant to rule and at times she was even brought into the meetings between her Father and the Council that oversaw Axum.

All of this was meant to prepare her, to steel her mind and make her ready for her future. All of this scared her, and the anxiety remained as the years slowly passed. Each day was spent learning something new or reviewing something old, being praised if she remembered or scolded if she had forgotten. It was a process that she never got used to and who could? For her she wanted nothing more than to be like any other teenage girl her age, to be running off with friends and getting in trouble, though those were luxuries she didn't seem to have.

Those few friends she did have were shuffled away, kept away as she was put through the finer points of diplomacy. Only a few that remained nearby, living in the estates of other nobles were still around. Of course she always had her siblings and from time to time they would get her out of one of her lessons. The feelings of animosity between them closing and even a few of them understood just what their sister was going through; even though they still found the attention rained upon her as being misplaced or too much just because she was born with silver eyes.

..:: The Great Naval Academy ::..

This was her chance, and it was one that she grabbed hold of with both hands and wouldn't let go; no refused to let go. She was an adult, and even with her still being groomed for the throne she took a risk that she felt was needed, one that her father even smiled upon when the news came. Without a word to anyone she had signed up to attend the Naval Academy on neighboring Anaxes, accepted even without having to attend the basic training at other schools on the merit of her family name alone. The fact that she was permitted to go made her happier and she was determined to finish the course and training. Her mother figured she would leave after a few weeks seeing how difficult it was; though her father knew that she was determined to prove that she was capable of much more.

And did she ever. She pushed herself as she sought out the training, accomplishing courses and asking for more. What many would complete in a year or two, she demanded in mere months. Even when the training came to an end she registered for more, never wanting to go home. This was just as much about proving what she could do as much as it was for her own pleasure. It was here, during these formative years at the Academy did her true leadership begin to shine through, and though she never got the hang of the combat courses; she excelled at tactics and leadership.

Her scores and marks were always high when it came to tactics and leadership, her niche that she held onto. She found the aspect of numbers and the individual as being a worthy prospect of her time. Never once did she ever scoff or overlook a training course that would prepare her to be a better leader or tactician. Rather she embraced those courses and always sought out more, or sought ways to improve those courses. A dedication that would see her through the next couple of years, for her talents would be utilized by the Academy much to her chagrin.

..:: Service among Scholars ::..

While she had desired to be serving aboard a ship once she had graduated from the academy, rather she found herself remaining at the academy. Her dedication to bettering herself and even having improved some courses saw her kept on to help ensure that the academy ran smoother and more efficient. Even though she had other desires, she was determined to do the job at hand as best she could, viewing it as a challenge rather than a punishment. She felt that perhaps if she did well, then she would get what she ultimately wanted. Time away from the Axum system on board a vessel, seeing what parts of the Galaxy she could.

Much of her time spent at the Academy in these couple of years was as an aide to many of the instructors. She would look over their courses and materials, helping them to better certain aspects and streamline others to create a more efficient learning environment. Eventually she was permitted to teach her own class, specifically once focused on linguistics, her greatest passion. She found herself happy that she was kept at the academy, and saw a similar glint and desire for learning languages in a few of her students that she herself harbored since she was a child.

Finding that she was a rather competent instructor, she began to settle into the role, perhaps it was better that this had happened rather than being off somewhere galavanting across the galaxy or serving aboard a ship in some far flung system. That dream though remained, perhaps buried, though it was still there. Then it happened, one day as she was finishing instructing a class, she received orders. As happy as she had found herself instructing others, she grabbed at the opportunity; and with a tearful and worried mother and a proud father, she said her goodbyes to her siblings.

..:: The Burning Talons ::..

Those where the orders she had been waiting for for countless months. Each day went by, and while she did her job well, she always waited for those orders. Now she found herself on a frigate; though not the large vessel she had been hoping to be assigned to like many others had been, it was still something. She was part of a fringe fleet, a small group of vessels that had been hired by Outer Rim systems in a bid to protect against pirates and other bandits operating in the lawless sections of space. With much of the Galaxy in its own turmoil and Government's limping on from the Gulag Plague, it was down to these little groups of vessels to deal with problems such as this.

Her gift at linguistics kept her close to the bridge, and the captain had taken her under his wing as it were, showing her the ropes and training her for the daily routine of life aboard the frigate. While many would roll their eyes and simple trudge on, she took it in great strides. She approached this as she had anything else in life and found herself welcoming the simple routines, and found the aid from the captain to be much appreciated. Out here she was another crew member, one that had a job to do and she never permitted herself to even fathom pulling the nobility card.

This mission would eventually end with the most difficult mission of her life, one which saw her leadership skills tested. The frigate while on a routine patrol, ran across the pirates they had been hunting, though it was no single vessel. The frigate was outnumbered three to one, facing overwhelming firepower and numbers, the captain panicked. Frozen by fear, it was her stepping up that ultimately saved the vessel, and it was her leadership; keeping herself cool and collected that ensured the vessel would survive. When she was to be commended, she merely stated that it was her job, and that any officer would have done the same in her situation.

..:: A Life among the Stars ::..

Her actions on that day were what placed her in command of her own vessel, a small corvette that patrolled along the trade routes of the Core Worlds. While nothing really happened along those lanes, it was still a charge that she took to heart. Her vessel became well known, and well traveled, as she would often patrol beyond her original sections. If anything happened, it was her vessel that was always on scene, dropping from hyperspace to help in any situation that she could lend a hand. Her warm smile, though just as equally heavy and fair judgments made her popular among many of the captains she came across.

This was a life that she could live, she could easily remain at this post for as long as she wanted. In this moment she had been given what she always wanted. A ship to travel the Galaxy in, even if it were a small part of it, though it was still traveling. For her she could have settled into this role and forgotten about the pressure to do something great just because of the events around her birth. Nothing really seemed to matter to her, nor did she seem to bother caring about the future.

What she didn't know was that something was looming upon the horizon; then again not many could have known what was about to happen. As the month came to a close, she returned home, spending some much earned relaxation among her friends and family. Regaling her family with the tales of her travels and enjoying being back among her books.

..:: The Calm before the Storm ::..

It happened on a day just like any other. She woke up and threw on a dressing gown, her vacation still at the forefront of her mind, though knowing that it would be coming to a close soon. As she stepped into the family room, she was met with the stares and worried looks of her family. The news had just arrived, the military was being called up, naval forces gathered together. Something was about to happen, and all she could think of was the duty that she had to fulfill.

A few moments was all it took before she was back in uniform, not sure what was to happen to her and her crew. Perhaps she would be placed in some planetary defense fleet close to home. Or she could just as easily be on some fringe mission away from any theater or possible place of heavy fighting. All she knew was that she had a ship to return to and prep, and a crew to gather.

With a simple goodbye, she saw the worry in her family's faces, though it was her father's that steeled her mind. The ever stoic stare of the bearded male and a simple nod. With that she turned, the waiting speeder slipping off over the horizon as she returned to her vessel. Her orders were waiting for her when she arrived, and it told her everything that she needed to know.

Inperantike Athroxis

..:: The Chronology of Athroxis Part II ::..

..:: A Galaxy at War ::..

Life can turn sharply, and often one is not ready for the new direction it has taken. While she had wanted to serve aboard a vessel, the times she clashed with pirates was nothing compared to what was coming. Barely back from her vacation, the whispering of conflict was growing and soon enough it was a deafening roar. Her little vessel, the simple corvette, was quickly thrust into the conflict that threatened to consume the whole of the galaxy.

Rather it had consumed the galaxy, and now factions fought one another over what remained. There had been peace for a time, the ancient virus that had swept so many lives to the side seemingly gone. Now all that remained were those worlds that had repopulated, those that managed to limp through the years. They were hungry, ravenous to a point and need space. Their people needed room and as all things come to a head, so to would this.

War broke out and the galaxy once more was home to vessels streaming through the stars, exchanging volleys of turbolaser fire and bursts of torpedo salvos. All the while she stood at her post, commanding her corvette to the best of her ability. She would fight for her home, to protect Axum and if that meant putting her life on the line she would. What more could she do?

..:: Our Dependency upon Technology ::..
The push for expansion had been nonstop, and many factions gained footholds, carving out vast swaths of territory. Then, nothing. Everything stopped, communications from the Core Worlds, anything that could bring news had gone dark. The entirety of the Holonet blinked out with only the visage of the being that claimed they would change the whole of the galaxy. She had her doubts, though what came next seemed to settle a few of them.

Technology, the cornerstone of many of the Core Worlds, that which ensured all life continued, was turned against them. Those in the Outer Rim were lucky, she thought; with such little technology, the loss of the Holonet meant little. To the Coreward Worlds, those that relied upon it heavily, it was a disaster. What little she could come by did not help in the long run, and soon she was forced to make her own decision.

Her vessel had been on a scouting mission, sent out to find the enemy, and now they were flying deaf and blind. With no communications from her commanding officers or the fleet as a whole, she had to take action. Either she push forward with the mission or she think of those under her command and return. Her decision was one of caution, and the well being of her subordinates was what mattered. In a time when everything went dark, she managed to pull light from that darkness.

..:: Do Robots dream of Electric Sheep ::..
Those events would soon come to light as the orchestrations of an ancient computer, an A.I. by the name of Omni, a being that was destructive. How does once defeat an entity that could easily destroy you without a word, merely by infecting your vessel. Technology was turned against the Galaxy, the very technology that trillions of lives depended upon each and every day. What would organic life be though if nothing more than tenacious?

These factories that spit out machines of war, churned out the devices for Omni would be set upon, and even she would find herself leading her corvette into the fray. Joining a fleet that amassed to strike at the heart of entity, pushing to the center of the Galaxy; Coruscant. She watched from the bridge of her vessel as the world below was turned into a warzone for the most recent time, though it apparently would not be the last.

She waited with baited breath as her little corvette and its crew fought to survive, waiting for the news that the strike was successful. A heavy sigh of relief would escape her as the victory cheer rang out. Omni was defeated, and its factories were shutting down. Though, with the whole of technology being turned upon the Galaxy, what would the years to come hold?

..:: Rusted Gears and Broken Things ::..
There was nothing more that she wanted to do than to return home, and the first change she got, she took it; though it was not a happy occasion. During the fighting with Omni she had lost siblings, the youngest of them. Her first visit home since war broke out two years ago and she had to attend the funeral of her youngest sister and brother. She saw the sadness that dwelt within her mother, the anger that grew within her father.

Those siblings that survived looked to her, wanting answers as to why this happened. All that she could give them was silence, her own mind wracked with grief as she fought to understand why she could survive such conflict and they could not. In time she would come to accept that she just got lucky, though even that wasn't enough to quell her anguish. Even now she still thinks back about her youngest siblings, remembering them fondly.

The choice came though, return to the fleet, or remain at home. Even as she wanted to stay, she was told to go; this time from an unlikely source. Her mother, always having been against her eldest leaving, was now the one telling her to go. That she could not hold her eldest there anymore than a rock could hold back a roaring ocean.

..:: As Darkness Falls ::..

An ancient tradition, a day in which many would dress in costumes of twisted beings from ancient stories or the monstrous beasts that inhabited the galaxy. Though something was spreading, something that had not been seen in the galaxy for ages. It started on a little world in the Outer Rim, ancient, the home of a Jedi Master of legend and now a video was streaming across the reestablished Holonet. The screams of a research team and the ravings that the dead were rising.

What followed was the horrific images of those same people being torn apart, only to reanimate and raise in turn. What horror could do such a thing? She dreaded the thought of such a thing coming to the Core Worlds, and she feared that she would have to face this horror. What little she could learn was even more fantastical in its own way. Reports of the dead rising from their rest, a black sludge dripping from their figures.

This black ooze like substance infected the bodies, though there was still much to understand. Once more the galaxy found itself in turmoil, the host to some catastrophic event. All she could do was wait for orders and see what was to happen. All the while she did her best to pour over what reports she could get her hands upon in a bid to understand this new threat.

..:: The Night of Horrors ::..
In truth it had begun on Mugg Fallow, a fact little known at the time until the end. This being had been so destructive that it was held upon that world by the ancient beings of the Galaxy. So feared for what it could do that it was cut off from all life, from the galaxy to ensure that it would not spread. Somehow it found its way to Dagobah, and from there it was spreading. Those that came in contact with it or the carriers of the disease were just as quickly inhabited by the foul black sludge.

This was such a threat that it could have easily, if it had not already, eclipsed the effects of the Gulag Plague. Her orders were simple, even if she didn't agree with them. Any vessel thought infected, any being was to be put down to prevent the spread of whatever this pathogen, this entity was. This was the most terrifying point of her life, the thought of being infected by such a thing, losing control of oneself as it took over.

While she disagreed with the orders, she still understood the dangers that this thing possessed. She watched as her corvette tore apart transports and freighters filled with people infected. Watched whole worlds fall under quarantine with the thought of orbital bombardment being the most effective way of containing the entity. She vowed that she would never consider such actions in the future, and as destructive as this creature was, the acts of containing would further change her.

..:: When the Dawn Breaks ::..
All things must come to an end, and even for the night such is true. Though it is always darkest before that dawn, and in the darkest night of the galaxy the radiant light of the dawn was slowly appearing. The being that had been pushing across the galaxy was being contained, the lives of many put on the line to push it back to its ancient prison. Vessels of darkness were claimed, whole fleets mustered to fight those infected by the being. Individuals rose to greatness as they gave their bodies willingly to fight the black creature.

In time the combined efforts of a united galaxy pushed the creature back to the Unknown Regions, to the planet it had been trapped upon. A collective sigh of relief as it was over, though it was not the end. That creature remains out there, somewhere in the galaxy, more than likely biding its time in another attempt to consume the galaxy. Even now she feels that it is not over, and that all must be prepared.

Though in that moment peace had returned to galaxy, even if it took an ancient entity to bring the warring factions together. For a time there was cooperation, though all things can not last and once again the conflict of the galaxy boiled over. Worlds fired salvos upon one another, and her corvette was thrust back into the fire.

..:: The World beyond Ours ::..
What happens when an individual dies? There are many thoughts and beliefs on the matter, and she had thought not of a single one until now. The morning was beginning as any other normal day, until she found herself upon a hill with her father. The screams below marking that they were no longer home, no they were somewhere else. What place had they found themselves in? For days, at least they appeared as such, the wandered across the landscape, searching for any clues as to what had happened, only to come across a small shack floating upon the water.

It seemed out of place, though nothing in this moment made sense. All that she had at her side was her father and for now that was enough, his calm demeanor in the situation helping to keep her calm. The home, or at least the structure was calming, keeping peace within as they sought a means of leaving this world, this realm.

With a steeled resolve and a careful plan they pushed their way to one of the rifts that tore open the galaxy, permitting them to return. Though plans seldom go according to how one thought they would, and she found herself alone. As they were escaping she was pushed forward, an effort by her father just as the rift they stepped through was closing. Whatever had caused the event had been defeated, dealt with, whatever you wanted to call the conclusion. All she knew was that she stood alone upon an alien world.

..:: Those left behind ::..

It would not be until she finally returned home did she find out what happened. Across the galaxy, all at once, Billions disappeared, vanished from where they had once been. She and her father were among those numbers, thought lost. Now though he was truly lost, trapped in a realm beyond, and that meant one thing. It was the time that she dreaded the most, yet knew would always happen.

Even as she mourned and grieved for her father, she still had the responsibility of a heavy weight. With a deep breath she would take on this new challenge; the start of which was resigning from her command. As much as she loved the corvette and its crew, she could no longer serve. Then the challenge would truly come.

The Axum system would find itself switching hands between the Republic and the Sith Empire, the conflict finally striking home. The only constant was her, the woman that stood defiantly and decided that it was time. For Axum, for Anaxes, it was time to say no more.

..:: The Azure Phoenix ::..
Thus we find ourselves at our present time.
The young girl now a woman, a history of events culminating in this moment.
Sitting upon the throne of her world, a heavy burden to carry upon her brow.
For Axum and Anaxes it was time to shout no more.
No more would others chose their course, their future.
Now was the time for a rebirth.
There was a time when the Azure Imperium flourished, a time when it was a founding member of the Republic.
Now was the time for the Azure Phoenix to rise.

Inperantike Athroxis

..:: Attributes ::..

[Note: Scale I (Weak) - Scale X (Godly)]

Physical Strength: IV
Intelligence: VI
Speed: IV
Leadership: VI

Unarmed: III
Melee Weapons: III
Ranged Weapons: IV

..:: Special Skills and Abilities ::..
  • TBA

Inperantike Athroxis

..:: Personal Affects ::..

..:: Vessels ::..
  • TBA

..:: Vehicles ::..
  • TBA

..:: Weapons ::..
  • TBA

..:: Armor ::..
  • TBA

..:: Miscellaneous ::..
  • TBA

Inperantike Athroxis

..:: Relationships ::..

..:: Familial Relations ::..
  • TBA

..:: Lovers / Personal Relations ::..
  • TBA

..:: Allies / Acquaintances ::..
  • TBA

..:: Rivals / Enemies ::..
  • TBA

Inperantike Athroxis


..:: Conflict Tracker ::..

..:: Bounties Collected ::..
  • TBA

..:: Kills ::..
  • TBA

Inperantike Athroxis


..:: Thread Tracker ::..

..:: Personal Threads ::..
  • TBA

..:: Public Threads ::..
  • TBA

..:: Private Threads ::..
  • TBA

..:: Faction Threads ::..
  • TBA

..:: Character Development Threads ::..
  • TBA

..:: Conflict Threads ::..
  • TBA

..:: Campaign Threads ::..

  • TBA

Inperantike Athroxis

After a couple days of work (though I'm sure there's parts that could be done better and fleshed out or elaborated upon more); the bio is finished.

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