The Conqueror of Koboth
I am looking to invade the independent planet of Koboth and use it as a base for my big bag evil guy, Xaraxunia.
Xaraxunia, "The Conqueror of Koboth". is going to fight for planetary supremacy aboard a downed battlecruiser, together with his insectoid buddies, and one of them could be you!
I'm going to do a skirmish on Koboth at the site of a downed battlecruiser, with only one objective: its total domination and subjugation by Xaraxunia's group. Xaraxunia is going in with a massive group of red carapace insectoid warriors, and they intend on killing or capturing everyone they see on the battlecruiser.
If you're an insectoid, you can also bring your Space Slugs, which I give you full permission to use. If you play an insectoid, you can even keep it after the battle!
Possible enemies for the "allied insectoids" / "New Kobok Union" :
And yes, I ask that the bugs win. This time. Rubs exoskeletal fingers together.
PS: The battlecruiser was mistakenly called the Primacy, but that is on KOBOH and not KOBOTH. Koboth is in the Tingel Arm.
Xaraxunia, "The Conqueror of Koboth". is going to fight for planetary supremacy aboard a downed battlecruiser, together with his insectoid buddies, and one of them could be you!
I'm going to do a skirmish on Koboth at the site of a downed battlecruiser, with only one objective: its total domination and subjugation by Xaraxunia's group. Xaraxunia is going in with a massive group of red carapace insectoid warriors, and they intend on killing or capturing everyone they see on the battlecruiser.
If you're an insectoid, you can also bring your Space Slugs, which I give you full permission to use. If you play an insectoid, you can even keep it after the battle!
Possible enemies for the "allied insectoids" / "New Kobok Union" :
- Pirates - They often use downed ships as glorified slums e.g. the Primacy on the Outer Rim planet Koboh.
- Opposing tribes of insectoids, just pick a different color carapace. Allied insectoids are red, tan, silver, or black. Enemy insectoids are all other colors.
- Jedi, who have come to exterminate the swarm and stop them from spreading.
- Sith, who have come to exterminate the swarm because the insectoids are icky.
- Trianii Rangers - basically, Morneaus / anthromorphic animals / intergalactic bug hunters from the adjacent Southern system.
- Scavengers who want the ship and its parts for themselves.
- Literally everyone else, because I'd imagine that 10ft tall insectoids and their 6ft tall cousins are not really very good space neighbors.
And yes, I ask that the bugs win. This time. Rubs exoskeletal fingers together.
PS: The battlecruiser was mistakenly called the Primacy, but that is on KOBOH and not KOBOTH. Koboth is in the Tingel Arm.
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