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Approved Starship Intangible

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Image Source: Tinnenmannetje
Affiliation: The Rebel Alliance
Manufacturer: Eshan Industrial Corporation
Model: Intangible
Modularity: Yes
Production: Unique
Material: Titanium reinforced Durasteel, Transparisteel viewports
Classification: Corvette

Length: 196m

Width: 65m

Height: 62m

  • 7 Deployable/Retractable Turbolaser Turrets
  • 2 Concussion Missile Launchers
  • 6 Point Defense Lasers
Hangar: None

Special Features:
Maneuverability Rating: 6
Speed Rating: 6
Hyperdrive Class: 0.6

  • Heavy Shields
  • Fast
  • Silent Engines
  • Medical suite
  • Visual Camouflage
  • Sensor Cloaking
  • No Hangar
  • Light Projectile Armament
Description: Holding status as leader of an unpopular faction and under pressure from bounty hunters, Geneviève desired a more advanced version of the esteemed Antilles-class blockade runners for her personal use. Also, she likes black.

Through cooperation with research partners and the original manufacturer, Eshan Industrial Corporation, and with remodelling performed by Rebel personnel, Lasedri coordinated an extensive modification of the vessel’s base model. EIC’s standard EZY engines were naturally retained. The original hyperdrive was replaced with the MandalTech 500 Series Hyperdrive, a faster drive with HIMS function.

The hull was painted with a matte black coating to blend in with the background of deep space and avert reflections off of a shiny surface. The Mandal Hypernautics MH-EW14 Signal Scrambler Projector, the ECHO DED-3 Carbon Strober, and a gravitic modulator were installed to evade scanners and other detection devices. However, the ship is not actually cloaked, meaning that it is possible to spot the corvette visually if one is perceptive enough. A turbolaser battery was also sacrificed in order to install the Signal Scrambler.

Development Thread: Numbers
Intent: To create a personalized version of the Antilles-class Corvette for Geneviève Lasedri.

Who Can Use This: Geneviève Lasedri

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