Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Approved Tech Integrated Armor System

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Jak Sandrow

"Nobody cares for the woods anymore."
Intent: To create a fully enclosed combat suit for Omega Pyre
Development Thread: None
Hero Unit: Yes
Manufacturer: Omega Pyre
Model: ICS (Integrated Combat Suit)
Affiliation: Omega Pyre
Modularity: Little other than decals
Production: Unique, only 2 made, 1 is operational
Material: Plastoid/durasteel composite armor
The ICS is a fully enclosed armor suit mainly for Omega Pyre's usage. It is owned solely by Jak Sandrow.
It is capable of short jetpack bursts, and, using the suit's inner mechanics, can lift weights that normal humans are incapable of lifting. It is only customizable in that the forearms can carry either a holdout blaster or an extendable vibroblade. The ICS can also withstand a heavy infantry charge.
  • Very good against small-arms fire
  • Fair against cannon fire
  • Jetpack used for quick scaling of buildings and for combat drops
  • Fully enclosed helmet with HUD
  • Slower than infantry
  • Limited jetpack
  • Not for claustrophobic people
  • Cannot withstand bombs, heavy artillery, or rockets
Classification: Anti-ballistic
Weight: 500 lbs (powered armor)
Quality: Class 8
Other Feature(s): Has a small capacity jetpack feature
Completely closed helmet
Full HUD
4 mounted head lights
Retractable helmet

(OOC: This is the Star Wars equivalent of a weaponless Iron Man suit.)
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