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Intell "kits"

Greeting, I have looked around the marketplace, and wookieoedia, and found some I think would great to add to armory, I thinking a making a basic intelligence kit, standard stuff all intelligence people would, in addition to mission specific equipment I think I have made a good start, should any need to be I foresee no issues with that, as their already approved tech based on it, it is already approved tech, or very similar to already approved tech. I would appreciate any input and recommendations on this.

DC-19 "Stealth" carbine –Riffle

SI-17 Stealth Blaster- Pistol

Vibrodagger X2

Smoke Grenade X 2


Stealth generator{stealth belt} x1

Slicer kit x1
[member="Colrenth Renfrew"]

I'm no stranger to using Factory/Codex fourms, since on a previous site I did that alot. I'm not one for 'using' canon items simply because anyone can. I prefer to create rather than 'borrow' tech. If you are looking for someone to do development threads with, I'm your man. If you are looking for someone to help create new shiny toys, I'm your man. For the latter, simply PM me with details or we can discuss doing development threads.

If not, those all look good.
Cool, I only borrowed a few cannons things: DC-19 "Stealth" carbine –Riffle, Vibrodagger X2, Stealth generator{stealth belt}, slicing kit, mainly cause I knew what they were and they readily available, If you want to help develop new and improved versions I welcome it. lets focus on undated versions of the DC-19 "Stealth" carbine, and Stealth generator{stealth belt} for now as stealth is big part of intelligence operations and my character is heavily dependent on stealth tech.

[member="Clovis Torcularis"]

Image Source:
Intent: to create an updated stealth blaster riffle for first order intelligence, and covert ops personal.
Manufacturer: First Oder Intelligence
Model: FO XR 007 “Spector”
Modularity: n/a
Production: Limited
Material: durastell, blaster componets
Classification: stealth blaster riffle
Size: Hand held
Length: 51.2 cm
Weight: 1 kg
Ammunition Type:
Ammunition Capacity: 10 shots (in stealth mode}
Effective Range: 60 m optimal 460m max
Rate of Fire: approx. 3 shots per slower than standard blasters riffles
Special Features: sound suppressor unit for silent operations and an optional stealth function, which used a refined gas mixture that made the bolts invisible to the naked eye. Only last 10 shots { based on the DC-19 "Stealth" carbine

The: FO XR 007 “Spector” is the updated, modernized improved generation of stealth blaster riffle based on the DC-19 "Stealth" carbine, while is a compact, lightweight, easily concealed weapons is does, requires specific training in use, and is slightly more maintenance intensive than other blasters riffles. It have improved accuracy, and range over it predecessor the DC-19, however due the process, that makes the bolts invisible to naked it still is limited to 10 shots capacity. These 10 shots however pack a slightly harder punch than the standard round of similar weapons. Without proper training and increased maintenance, the weapon will malfunction resulting in either the bolts to be less powerful, as well viable to naked eye or the barrel will explode and likely destroy the weapon utterly in the process.

+Sound suppression
+ Blaster bolts invisible to the naked Eye
+Easier to conceal than other weapons of the type
- Limited shot capacity
- Requires specific training to use
- Requires additional maintenance

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