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League of Autonomous Worlds

An alliance of independent worlds and systems banding together to protect their freedom. Join the rebellion and help fight for a better, brighter Outer Rim!

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Intelligence & Law Enforcement (Info & Roster)



"People who truly do great deeds don't feel the need to talk about them all the time." ―Crix Madine


The Outer Rim Intelligence Operations Network (ORION) is a vital and sophisticated intelligence system designed to protect the League from a variety of threats. Its primary function involves gathering, analyzing, and evaluating data on potential dangers, ensuring that the League remains one step ahead of any hidden adversaries. ORION's capabilities extend beyond mere surveillance; it also engages in covert operations when necessary, addressing threats that may require a more hands-on approach. Since its inception during the era of the Outer Rim Coalition, ORION has played a crucial role in maintaining the security and stability of the Outer Rim regions through its clandestine activities.

The agents of ORION are highly trained and versatile, handling an array of tasks that contribute to the overall safety of the League. These tasks include planetary law enforcement, where agents work to maintain order and enforce the laws on various planets. They also patrol hyperlanes, ensuring safe passage for travelers and monitoring for any signs of illegal activities or emerging threats. Moreover, ORION agents provide security for the League Systems Council, protecting the League's highest governing body from potential dangers. Additionally, they undertake undercover missions for the Defense Force, infiltrating hostile organizations or regions to gather critical intelligence and neutralize threats before they can materialize.

ORION's operations are shrouded in secrecy, reflecting the covert nature of its mission. The network's success relies on its ability to operate discreetly, often blending into the background while carrying out its critical duties. This clandestine approach allows ORION to gather intelligence without drawing attention, making it an indispensable asset in the League's defense strategy. The continuous efforts of ORION agents ensure that the Outer Rim remains a secure environment, where the inhabitants can thrive without the looming fear of undisclosed dangers. Through its relentless pursuit of intelligence and its readiness to act covertly, ORION stands as a silent guardian, ever watchful and prepared to defend the League against any hidden threats.


Common specialties and assignments in ORION include:

-Ranger Corps: The law enforcement side of ORION is the successor of the former Rimward Rangers, a division of volunteer officers tasked with policing LAW worlds and stations, patrolling local systems, and working with Planetary Defense Fleets to protect civilians from all forms of crime and illegal activity. Rangers are sworn into service after completing a local law enforcement program on any participating League world and are then assigned to local or regional precincts.

-Operatives: Covert agents working directly for ORION are known as operatives. These are highly-trained elites sourced from dozens of worlds and countless species. ORION operatives may work in cells or alone as lone wolves, taking on clandestine missions that require anonymity and precision. They go where the greater League cannot and complete objectives that are best left off the record.

-Intelligence Officers: Junior and senior officers of ORION are the eyes and ears of the LAW. Assigned to hidden listening posts and monitoring stations, intelligence personnel work tirelessly to identify threats to national security. They relay information on potential targets to active operatives, coordinating with cells in the field to defuse situations before they become dangerous.

-Recon Specialists: Advanced forward scouts whose primary directive is to infiltrate hostile zones, contested systems, and other such areas to build profiles on the League's enemies. Recon specialists make use of probe droids, long-range scanners, and stealth ships to remain undetected while they gather sensitive data.


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