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Approved Starship Interdictor Class Star Destroyer (Sienar Fleet Systems, Classic)

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  • Intent: To create a Canon Open Market Sub

  • Manufacturer: Sienar Fleet Systems
  • Affiliation: Sienar Fleet Systems
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: Tector-class IV Star Destroyer
  • Production: Semi-Unique
  • Material: Durasteel hull, Star Destroyer Electronics
  • Classification: Interdiction Star Destroyer
  • Length: 1129 meters
  • Width: 510 meters (?)
  • Height: 220 meters (?)
  • Armament: Average
Quad Laser Cannons (20)
  • Defenses: Very High
  • Hangar Space: Low (4)
  • Hangar Allocations:
    • Starfighters: 4 Squadrons OR Support Craft: 4 Squadrons
  • Maneuverability Rating: High
  • Speed Rating: High
  • Hyperdrive Class: Average | 2.0, Slow / Class 12
  • Standard Communications Array
  • Standard Deflector Shield Generator
  • Standard Hyperdrive
  • Standard Ion Engines
  • Standard Life Support Systems
  • Standard Navigational Systems
  • Standard Repulsorlift Engines
  • Standard Sensor Array
  • Can Enter Atmosphere and Land
  • Powerful and efficient Gravity Well Projectors capable of pulling multiple ships including those of its own size or greater out of hyperspace
  • Excellent as a Command or Escort Vessel
  • High Strength Hull and Shields
  • High Speed
  • Unusually resilient design, requiring many times less maintenance than normal
  • Powerful sensors with twice the range of most other Destroyers in its class
  • Rebel Killer: Geared to chase smaller ships with it's fast engines, relentlessly keeping the pressure, and can turn unusually well for a ship this size
  • Apocalypse Proof: An unusually resilient design, unsecured examples seem to require vastly less maintenance than normal and last incredibly long times in Drydock. Rarely are they found adrift, due to being designed so tough
  • You shall not pass: It's Gravity Projectors are very high strength and can remain active for longer periods of time than most Projectors, due to Sienar Engineers taking their time to properly humiliate KDY's proof of concept, capable of possibly pulling multiple ships both it's size or bigger out of hyperspace
  • Multi-role: Equally good as a command vessel or support ship to close traps
  • Dakka: Due to having only laser cannons it is capable of firing them at three times the rate of typical cannons in their category, all while maintaining the range of a common Turbolaser
  • Accuracy: Only three Fourths as accurate as typical Turbolaser cannons
  • Outdated: It's Electronics are jammed easily due to the relatively outdated design
  • Ion: Poor resistance to Ion Weaponry
  • Limited Options: Built primarily to destroy fast rebel vessels, it lacks the Weaponry to go up against other types of Star Destroyers properly, though it can certainly fight them in an emergency
  • Acquisition Difficulty: Secured only in the most Heavily defended of lost Imperial Drydocks, with Lethal Automated Security

The Interdictor designed by Sienar Fleet Systems, This design was much closer to the kind of threat The Rebel Alliance should have actually feared would be produced by The Empire to at last crush them than the retrofitted proposal KDY fielded--though that too had the same sort of potential, just greater time and expense required. Sienar Systems would never be able to convince the Imperial Navy to adopt these in more than cursory numbers, much for the same reasons KDY never succeeded---The Design was feared as a much more potent example of the "Job Killer" certain officials viewed the KDY model as, and for an entrenched Naval Leadership that feared change, and especially feared the efficient, do more with less approach that Sienar and various others pushed, sometimes not so subtly, a future where the Imperial Navy didn't have as many of the largest ships possible to project as much power, menace, and authority as they could was a future simply not worth considering, even if it allowed the Rebel Alliance to survive. It is suspected also by modern Historians that certain Rebel Alliance sympathizers in the Imperial Navy may have done their best to kill the project, setting up roadblocks that took advantage of already entrenched bias and paranoia to any vessel that threatened to make ruling the Empire easier--and render obsolete the masses of self important Star Destroyer Commanders lording their power over countless worlds under the Emperor's nose.

Incredibly Rare, the Ship can serve equally well as a base of operations for a faction, or as a special support vessel.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Maple Harte Maple Harte

  • Please modfy the Open Market to Closed Market, it is a semi-unique ship, which means only a squad exist of it at the same time. With Open-market it is impossible to comply it.
  • Your ratings are underpowered (-3), if you want, you can edit. I suggest to modify the Production to Mass production and in that case, you can keep the Open Market too.
  • Hangar space, it is 4, not 2, please edit:
    1000m [Base: 1 | Very Low: 3 | Low: 4 | Average: 5 | High: 7 | Very High: 9 | Extreme: 11]
  • And about the "You shall not pass", please reword it, it is always the opponent decide how the attack is succesful, how you wrote it, it suggests they have no chance to avoid it, and it is not true.
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Maple Harte Maple Harte

I meant to reword this text, not the name:
It's Gravity Projectors are very high strength and can remain active for longer periods of time than most Projectors, due to Sienar Engineers taking their time to properly humiliate KDY's proof of concept, pulling multiple ships both it's size or bigger out of hyperspace
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