Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Interest Check: Diversity Alliance

Diversity Alliance
Diversity Alliance, its company... the Paragon Spheres. Home to advanced aliens and striving for growth and expansion. Our business is analytical, and we will stretch across the galaxy consuming, destroying, and experimenting on subsentients and primitive sentients. We aren't so much about domination in the murderous matter, but in the... we will control you matter. Experimenting to discover the subsentients weaknesses and to better defeat those who oppose.

The Diversity Alliance is controlled by Five Leaders, the primary leader being the head of the faction, and making most decisions. But it's other leaders and members are free to do anything they wish. The other leaders also have free privilege to create anything that the Paragon Spheres can produce. Members can create small assault groups to aid in invasions, skirmishes, or any kind of battle or fight, or freelance and commit horrendous experiments upon the subsentients of the galaxy. Although unmentioned yet, Members are allowed to create Unique items, if approved within the Faction R&D, and become sole owners of the item (No ships above 400m, unless you have your own company).

If you are an advanced alien, you have the freedom to do as you please, within reason, as long as you are assisting with forcing subsentients to submit.

This is a place where you don't have to worry about the morality of your character, like most do in the One Sith, Galactic Republic, or otherwise. Not to say you should leave those faction, but here you can just... have free reign. You can be an alien dominator in any fashion you wish. Wanna join the rest of us and take up a Corona-class Armed Frigate and terrorize and scare the crap out of people? Perfect! Want to have an ISD with Death Troopers? It works!

Join today, and leave your worries behind!

[member="Avarice"] | [member="Osynth Obek"] | [member="Cha'Kut"] | [member="Xrawylz"]

Explain your take on the faction? Maybe say what you'll be doing and how you are advancing your character?
Syndicate of Spheres is a Faction for the aliens of the galaxy. We focus on a number of sciences and love to explore everything. If you like creating or exploring definitely join up.
Also, just so the populace knows, yes we have laws. They're good ones to! Like...don't steal our tools...uh...leave my probes alone....and WHEN YOU ARE BAD AVARICE WILL COMD AND GET YOU!

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