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LFG Interest Check: Eternal Empire

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S


Since I've come back to Chaos, I've been getting questions about whether I'd like to restart Eternal Empire and several of you have indicated (thank you very much, it felt great) that if so, you'd support me and come back to write.

So then I will try this interest survey to see if there is a demand for it.

The Jedi do what is right. The Sith do what they want. We do what is necessary.

What is the Eternal Empire?
We've always been a rather eccentric faction, as we have no traditional Star Wars Force Users and the FU organisation that secretly controls the faction is dedicated to destroying the Force itself. Because of this ICly this organisation, the Wardens of the Shroud, operates in secret. During the SGHW, the faction was apparently on the right side (NIO (now IMP), AC, part of GA). IC has often been said to be an Empire built on lies. Because if anyone ever found out what the Empire was for, they would probably all want to destroy it. So the members of the Empire have always had to manoeuvre the dance floor of the Galaxy to keep the secret from being revealed.

Keep your friends close, your enemies closer. OOC of course it was never a secret that this is the way for the Empire is and would remain, because IC matters and IC is why the Empire befriended Ashlan, IMP and GA, so that you could get to know your enemy and destroy them more easily. That is why such (dark) grey morality dominates the faction.

Wardens of the Shroud
They are neither Jedi or Sith, they live by a separate code, who believe that the Force is a chain, a trap; a power that enslaves the Galaxy and that is why they want to save the Galaxy from the Force and seek a way to destroy it. Their goal is not to eradicate and remake the Galaxy as the Sith would like. They only want to liberate the Galaxy and thus break the eternal struggle between the Light side and the Dark side. They secretly hide in the ranks of the Eternal Empire, often in leadership positions, very often hiding the fact that they are Force users and running the Empire from there, from the shadows. They use a black lightsaber.

The Empire
The people of the Empire have always been isolated, they have their own language, and on Kalidan they speak essentially no language other than High Nelvaanian. They are aloof and distrustful of strangers who are not part of the Empire. Military service is compulsory in the Empire, only after the mandatory two years of military training can a citizen of the Empire become a voting citizen. But being a militaristic state, it is a great honour to serve in the army/fleet and thus become a leader, because all ranks are tied to the military, including the political one. The soldiers are called Ultranauts and the style of their armour comes from Killzone (as does much of the faction).

First of all, it would be nice to revive the faction and get players, maybe now thanks to the many Force user groups on the map or even as minor factions there will be more interest in destroying the Force and playing a special kind of FUs. You can expect threads mainly on combat, political/diplomatic and mystical (often horror) threads. And of course, we'd like to do threads with other minor and/or major factions, because writing together is much better. Then we'll see what the future brings.

Now, I don't want to overcomplicate it as much as I did in the old days, when the Rebel side was eventually squeezed out and caused a lot of problems. Soldiers (of any rank, ground/fleet), politicians, agents (Blackwatch is still my heart's desire), Force users, mercenaries (they have their own guild and I mean our Mandos if they feel like coming back). And of course, companies are welcome too, as they are needed to rebuild an empire.

What has happened to IC since the collapse of the Empire?
It's not too complicated either, to make it easier to join or create a new character. In order to save the Empire, Ingrid decided to give up the outer worlds, partly because of the Maw, and summoned the Empire's most powerful assets and people back to Kalidan. A shielding/defence system was put in place around the planet to protect the Empire for the last time. The Eternal Empire has evolved, planned and survived here, in the home world, making its plans. Of course, from the previous worlds, if someone joined wanting to be a soldier or anything else (Warden for example) they were allowed in, given a home and training, but not much contact with the outside world. They kept contact minimal.

The planetary shield system has remained around the planet (as soon as it stops being so damn hot, I'll even post it in the Factory), but the Eternal Empire has started to reopen to the rest of the Galaxy around 900 ABY and they are ready to liberate and save the Galaxy from the Force.


Thank you to everyone who read through, I have tried to be short and concise. If anyone has any questions, feel free to DM me or contact me on Discord.


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