Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LFG Interest Check: Open Hand / Anti-FU Faction

Hey y’all! I’ve liked this concept for a while but never quite known how to work with it until now. Ideally, this hypothetical faction could evolve into something bigger, but ofc the only way for that to happen is for people to be involved. So, this is my interest check for just that: An organization dedicated to the end of Force use. Inspired by groups like the Path of the Open Hand of the High Republic Era.

It’s not super duper fleshed out atm, but the premise I think we’re going to roll with at the start is that it’s a loose alliance of like-minded people. A secret society, bound by one common belief: That Force Users are a blight on galactic stability. They must be stopped, be it through extermination, or other means.

I figure it’s open enough that all kinds of characters can find themselves taking part in the cause, but specific enough that the faction has a consistent sense of identity. And it can naturally evolve over time, perhaps even taking on a form of government if it gains enough traction to earn a spot on the map. The cabal would be ripe for internal politics exploring the intermingling perspectives and agendas, and inevitably (hopefully), pave the way for something new.

I plan on making a new character for the faction in the event that it takes off (obviously Amani would not fit lol). I know for certain myself and at least two other writers are on board, but I’d love to see if we can really push this concept into a lasting group and worthwhile plot. So, if you could see yourself having a character that fits, or making a new character for such an idea, please respond, cause I’m eager to see how many folks we could get on board from the get go. Thanks for reading!
Hi yes hello. Micheal here was built on the idea of destroying the Force and such, so he's absolutely going to be part of it. I very much love teh idea of anti Force stuff (go open hand go). And, naturally, I'm full up on the belief that Chaos has been built on a lot of Force User wars over the years (I'm looking at you age old Jedi vs Sith factions) so it makes a lot of sense (to me) that there'd be some anti Force User sentimentality.

So yea I'm in.
Amani Serys Amani Serys , Liin here has been working with Micheal Nox Micheal Nox , Percival Io Percival Io and a couple of others just for this purpose! She has a ring that detects Force Wizards and is working on developing a serum of sorts to stop the Force Wizards from working their magic, ha ha! Finding like-minded people would be wonderful!

I am still on vacation for 2 more weeks, but I shall log on whenever I get the chance to at the very least keep updated, ha ha. :)
shepherd without a flock
We might just make something of this idea yet. Faction page (and discord) is up! Obviously a huge WIP, but looking forward to getting things up and running with y'all!

shepherd without a flock
We might just make something of this idea yet. Faction page (and discord) is up! Obviously a huge WIP, but looking forward to getting things up and running with y'all!

Forgot to tag oopsie

Arcadian Arcadian Euric Shadowwalker Euric Shadowwalker Domina Prime Domina Prime Mellifluous Magenta Mellifluous Magenta Liin Terallo Liin Terallo Xandyr Carrick Xandyr Carrick Delila Castillon Delila Castillon


Force User worship must end.
I have wanted to make The New Way more of a thing but I do not have the time to invest in it. I would be happy to talk with you about incorporating, or even handing over, plot threads I have developed...or working with you.

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