Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Interested in a duel thread?

So far there have been no duel threads so I was wondering if anyone would be interested in doing one with Daxton.

If so here are the tentative rules:
1. Open to all Force Users - Knight or lower. Obviously Masters would be too strong a simple duel and to keep things fair.
2. Depending on interest, we could go 1v1 or 2v1 or any other variant, again it depends on interest.
3. No character deaths. The goal is an exercise in creative writing dueling not to rack up kills. Each writer would indicate level of damage they are willing to take.
4. Fixed number of posts. What does mean do you ask? It means each writer would have a number of posts for the duel. Say in a 1v1 duel, each writer gets twenty posts to make their character shine in the battle. Once each writer has posted an agreed upon number of times, the duel comes to an end and the epilogue gets written.
5. The starting post of each writer should contain a description of what they have on them at the time of the duel, including any weapons or special gear. No adding special gears or stuff in the mid duel.

There is no tangible reward, aside from the challenge of providing our fellow board members with an interesting story to read and possibly react to in the future.

As always, I am open to suggestions, comments, flames (well not flames) anything constructive. All ideas are welcome. Cheers.
My vote is yes if that is ok with you. We could develop it into a rivalry perhaps? If you are so interested. Daxton prefers to slowly corrupt his opponent to see his side of the coin rather than all out blatant hatred.

Is twenty posts good for you or would you prefer more (or for a challenge less?) If you could post to me number of posts acceptable to you and a possible location? I have several ideas in mind should you be interested.
1. An attempted assassination attempt on a Republic Senator on Kuat.
2. Sabotage at the Alderaan Ship Yards.
3. Theft of a Jedi Heirloom on Coruscant.
Tell me if any of these scenarios interest you. Each poses a different set of environments as well as challenges. Once you send me feed back I can set up the initial thread (which will count as my post number 1) and off we go.

Oh by the way, I will be afk for a few minutes to grab some dinner. So give my ideas a thought and I will post as soon as I get back.
Twenty posts is good. I am up for the attempted assassination since Leon could be hired as a personal bodyguard for the Senator on Kuat. Start the thread whenever you are free.
hahaha Ben, this is my way of encouraging lower ranked folk to be more active outside the daunting world of speed rp. I love Daxton being a foil to everyone's hero.

Still I would love a rematch with you (preferably on ground more in my favor lol kidding). Post the possible duel location, terms and such to this thread and lets work something out :D Cheers.
With the duel between Daxton and Leon well underway, I would like to follow up on those that expressed interest in starting new dueling threads.

I posted the rules for these series of dueling threads at the start of this thread, so if you wish to schedule a duel with Daxton, please post the details we can agree upon either here or via pm. Thank you.

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