Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Intergalactic news?


As part of the disinformation campaign of the Republic and Jedi, the Sith will be releasing a series of news articles against them. To this end I have a couple of questions
1. Would I have to make a character account for my news releases or can i post them via the Daxton account?
2. Would there be objection from anyone if i call it SNN (Sith News Network)? Also can someone help me dummy up a logo? i am thinking it should be similar to cnn but with an s instead of c.
I had the same idea for a blog too. Good thinking, Daxton. For the SIth you can use the name of the sector they are situated in rather tha Hydian Way because the Hydian way goes all through the galaxy and reaches the Mandalorian territories too but it's your choice in the end. I'd use a name of the sector or Imperial News Network or something.
Cool. Thanks for the feedback. Just need to know the mechanics of how to post my blog. would it be posted on the open boards, then the admin transfers it later or would i post it directly to a blog board? Would i need to make a blog account or could i post them from my daxton account? Sorry for the questions. this is the first time i will try it so i want to do it right. cheers.

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