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Intergalactic Podracing League


Well-Known Member
Corporation Name: Intergalactic Podracing League

Headquarters: Echoy'la

Locations: Malastare, Tatooine, Echoy'la,

Operations: Hosts podraces in its locations.

Rationale: The Intergalactic Podracing league was originally paid for by several small companies, a few governments, and a couple large enterprises like the Hutts, it fell into disarray after a few years. Katbiyre Rek spearheaded a movemnet to reboot the league, and introduce new raceres to the sort. He aimed to add locations in the territory off both the United Claans, the Mandalorian Empire, and neutral terriotory. Its headquarters are on Echoy'la, where the opening race is held each year.

Tier: II

Description: The Intergalactic Podracing Leauge was formed shortly after the 400-year darknesses ended, it started out as just a few worlds hosting podraces and eventually grew to encompassing multiple worlds including Malastare and Kamino, and Tatooine and Dantooine. In order to join you must have: A) A podracer and :cool: A willingness to compete multiple times a year. Companies may sponsor Pods and sometimes experimental pods will enter the mix. There are three tiers of competition:
  • Bronze Tier: New podracers, no sponsors. Rewards if win.
  • Silver Tier: Veteran Podracers, Sponsored Pods, Win 3 Races or Top 3 in 6. Rewards for top 3, bonus rewards if win.
  • Gold Tier: Those who's pods have won at least 6 Races or placed in the top 3 in 12. Rewards for top 5, bonus rewards if top three.
Each Tier is significantly better than last. With Bonus rewards available to the Silver and Gold Tiers. It can be watched on the Holonet or live, it generates money from things like commercials, tickets, and concessions.

There is also four Tiers of Competition:
  • Open Races: Are the most popular and are open to all Tiers
  • Bronze Races: Are open to Bronze Tier Members and Silver Tier Members, and are the third most popular
  • Silver Races: Are for Silver and Gold tier Races, and are the least popular
  • Gold Races are open to Gold Tier Members ONLY and are governed the strictest. They are the second most popular.
Subsidiaries: NA

Parent Corporation: NA

Intent: To create a corporation to allow those PCs with podracers a way to race other PCs.
Star Wars Canon:
Pending initial review
Starwars Chaos:
Pending initial review
Pending initial review
Pending Initial review
Pending Inital review
[member="Katbirye Rekr"]

A tier 2 corp can start with a maximum of three locations. You can add more with dev threads later - building new pod tracks, for example.

Also please expand your rationale to a decent-sized paragraph. For example, discuss how your character is involved.

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