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Approved NPC Intergalactic Socialist Independent Core

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Intent: Terrorist Organization against the New Republic
Image Credit: [x], [x]
Role: Political Extremist/Terrorist Organization


Group Name: Intergalactic Socialist Independent Core Party, i.e - ISIC
Classification: Political Party
Headquarters: Ragoon IV
Loyalties: Self Loyalties, Independence of the Core Worlds
Group Sigil: [x]
Description: The group was a political opponent to the Galactic Alliance during the occupation of the Core Worlds. It was when that nation fell to the powers of their corruption and the Sith and First Order. Seeing that the powers of freedom corrupted those at the top levels, they followed the lead of the Sith and Imperials by using force, fear and show of strength to strong arm other governments to adopt their beliefs.



Membership: Joining the party is pretty easy, though becoming higher within the ranks would require passing physical test as well as mental test. To join the ranks of the Commandos or even the Council, one would have to spend time within the Party and show their loyalty by completing missions or turning worlds over to the party.
Dogma/Doctrines: The principles of the party are to bring all the Core Worlds under their politician umbrella and protective arms to secure the threads of the outer rim. To prevent the attacks of the Sith and the First Order they must follow the tenets of those that did away with their previous protectors and rule the worlds with strength, fear and tyrannical principles and regularly send tributes to the two greater powers.
Curios: Many within the Party are marked by the their parties symbol or the Mark of Terror for those that have it painted on their armor. It is remind the people under their control of the horrors that happened during the events known as Endgame.
Goals: Secure the safety of the Core Worlds and prevent the influence of those that they deem unworthy from having the worlds join their system.

NPC Members

-- After the attack and destruction of the Galactic Alliance, many of the Officials that had turned against the government and supported the Sith Empire had stayed behind. Some had gone off and support the Sith directly, others formed organizations that would disrupt the other nations from taking over the Core Easily. One of these organizations had evolved into the ISIC or Intergalactic Socialist Independent Core Party. Through a system of ruling in fear, supporting tyrannical dictators, and showing strength though their enforcers.

-- It is evident that the party acts without fear of reprisal as it openly works with criminal organizations such as the Shadow Legion and the Galactic Trading Company. Both are well known criminal organizations of both Protection Rings and Arms Dealing. It is also believed that the main income for the Political Extremest party is the Kidnapping and Transportation of Sentient Slaves from within the Core Worlds.

-- Though the support of the political party is mystified from the shadows of an unknown supporter, the small party had secretly moved within the Core Worlds to secure many of the worlds to prevent further threats against the Sith possible take over.
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