
The doors opened and she let out a large exhale before she went on the move, her steps could be heard resonating down the empty hall. It was very quit these days, not like it used to be. Bustling with various crews trading goods in the deep of space. Now with various security forces patrolling the region the station was only occupied with a few at a time only due to many smugglers hiding from the law. As she progressed down the hall to the main office a repulser lift with a few crates loaded tightly, followed her every move as she ventured deeper.
The final bulk head opened and as she walked past the threshold she noticed two Houk body guards stood aside an old decrepit looking Blutopian who sat at the reception desk. The two locked eyes briefly with a nod exchanged between the two. The woman turned around towards the repulser lift scanning the room in the process noticing a wookie at a side table along with a gungan standing in the corner. Each was holding a sidearm with the exception of the gungan who bore various knives across his belt with one in hand tucked behind his palm.

Opening one of the crates she pulled out a canister of a thick gelatinous substance, handing it over to one of the guards so that their pre-Madonna could inspect it. No words were exchanged only gestures, why would there be? The Payment did enough talking for everyone in the room, as the Blutopian pulled out a knapsack and handed it to one of the houks. The thud of the bag being placed on the counter was all she needed to hear for the transaction to be complete. Leaving the repulser lift with the cargo aboard, she exited the room placing the bag over her shoulder.
Safely back in the Nightingale she placed the bag under her chair as she climbed back into the cockpit taking her seat at the helm. The ships quintet, twin ion engines wound up giving their famous howl the much smaller (single twin ion engine) tie fighters were renowned for, ripped throughout the hanger.
"The systems look good"
She muttered to herself
"Tower, this is the Nightingale."
She exclaimed over the radio
"Go for tower"
"Preparing to depart hanger…. 1-5-0 over"
"Nightingale you are clear to taxi, 1-5-0"
The freighter began to lift slowly shuttling out the bay, the nightingale tended to strike a cord amongst many ship enthusiasts due to its hodgepodge mix of various CEC freighters. As the bay floor disappeared out from underneath the ship, the darkness of space took over as she shuttled the freighter slowly down the designated path, keeping safe from the other shuttles coming and going as they too moved down their mandatory routes as the progressed next to the station.

"Nightingale this is tower, you are clear for departure. From the crew of the pre-Madonna, we thank you for your loyalty and services….."
The voice over the comms proceeded
"Have a safe flight Nola"
A slight smirk emerged from the Harch as she began to gain speed rather rapidly as she pushed deeper into the depths of space, the engines beginning to screech, whining louder only to level out as the hyperdrive was activated. Looking over to her current co-pilot as she got up from her seat
"I'm going to use the latrine"
Her current crew, if that's what you want to call it, was more like a rag tag group of fellow smugglers who joined together this run to get some extra credits. This may be their first and/or last time running together, but who knows only time will tell.
With their next cargo unknown in accordance with the smugglers creed, which required no questions asked, all they knew was what lay before them was the darkness of space as they traveled down the hyper lane in pursuit of their next cash out.