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Approved Species - | INTERLOPER - Der'Jäger

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[Image Credit: David August]

  • Intent: The species will be an integral part to the past of Vergessen Contii and his species and will serve a purpose for a planet related lore thread.
  • Image Credit: N/A (reposted)
  • Canon: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: Gefängnis, Der'vergeben
  • Name: Der'Jäger
  • Designation: Sentient
  • Origins: Gefängnis
  • Average Lifespan: 600 years
  • Estimated Population: UNIQUE [1]
  • Description: The creature(?) presents itself as a black mist in the shape of a humanoid. The skin tapers into the form of a hood which folds over the creature's faceless head.
  • Breathes: TYPE IV
  • Average Height of Adult: 280 cm
  • Average Length of Adult: N/A
  • Skin color: Black
  • Hair color: N/A
  • Distinctions: The species is unable to directly interact with or harm physical matter - requiring a vessel to commit a symbiosis with. This can vary from living specimens who hold full control over the creature, to manipulating a corpse and enforcing its own will.
  • Races: N/A
  • Force Sensitivity: All (1)

  • The creature is capable of wielding the force to "pull" the fabric of space around them, diverting projectiles and also warping anything physical that comes in contact with the ability's range of effect. The ability is described as "pulling the sky", visually distorting the space being pulled by the Der'Jäger's hand. The creature also utilizes the force to gain quick bursts of supernatural speed, being able to move from one point to the next at 100km/ph.

  • The Der'Jäger can only utilize its force abilities once it has made a symbiotic relationship with a living or dead body - otherwise being relegated to a spectral form with no control over the physical world. The creature utilizes the existing midi-chlorians in the host's body to perform its abilities. The creature's use of force speed is also incredibly debilitating on a host - being able to completely blow off the body's legs if over-utilized.
  • Diet: Midi-chlorians
  • Communication: Telepathy
  • Technology level: N/A
  • Religion/Beliefs: N/A
  • General behavior: The Der'Jäger were once a species that guarded a forgotten empire. They're robotic in personality and are more antisocial and conspiratorial. They keep secrets locked away in a mind that has experienced hundreds of years
The Der'Jäger is currently only known through myth on the planet of Gefängnis. The Der'vergeben people described it much like a boogeyman that would pull people deeper into the soil of their planet, dragging them to a deep forgotten pocket within the planet's core to burn alive for all time. Unbeknownst to current populations of Der'vergeben, the shade once did roam Gefängnis stealing the bodies of lone innocents and lead them to an unknown location.

The creature currently roams one of the orbiting moons of Gefängnis, protecting a graveyard of... Der'vergeben bodies, standing up straight and covered in a clay-like shell - they looked like marble statues that were carved and then forgotten on the moon. They remain on the moon's surface despite solar flares ravaging the system for supposedly centuries, in which the corpses would have been turned into ash by now. Tissue samples of the bodies indicate they had been preserved for thousands of years - and were alive despite the petrification. Any effort to attempt a biopsy however resulted in the uncovered flesh rapidly decaying with exposure to the air.
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Vergessen Contii Vergessen Contii

Hi there!

I love where you are going, but there are some things to work on.

1. Origins: Thank you for the hyperlink, however please list the origin in the field. It is required and meant for other writers to look at teh submission and learn what they need to when interacting with the species.

2. Unique being black and struck through is confusing. I am assuming you mean there is only ONE of this species. As this is a required field please make this clear by simply putting unique.

3. Redacted: please remove these references and actually fill out the template. I am not sure if these things are meant to be a secret or not, but Out of Character these fields are required, and as mentioned above, are for other writers to read so they know what they need to when interacting with the species in Role-Play. I am less concerned about general behavior, but this submission will not be approved while the Historical Information is not even filled out.

Tag me when you have made the edits... thanks!
Vergessen Contii Vergessen Contii

Hi there!

I love where you are going, but there are some things to work on.

1. Origins: Thank you for the hyperlink, however please list the origin in the field. It is required and meant for other writers to look at teh submission and learn what they need to when interacting with the species.

2. Unique being black and struck through is confusing. I am assuming you mean there is only ONE of this species. As this is a required field please make this clear by simply putting unique.

3. Redacted: please remove these references and actually fill out the template. I am not sure if these things are meant to be a secret or not, but Out of Character these fields are required, and as mentioned above, are for other writers to read so they know what they need to when interacting with the species in Role-Play. I am less concerned about general behavior, but this submission will not be approved while the Historical Information is not even filled out.

Tag me when you have made the edits... thanks!
Apologies for that! Yes, I did try to play up the mystery of the creature a little, since it's an antagonistic force in a current thread I'm shaping up. Regardless, I fixed up what you needed changed, so let me know if there's anything else and I'll get on it ASAP!
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