0830 Hours, Local Time
Each step was a peril.
It was not often that the Sith Lord departed from his Kingdom. However modest in the face of the modern Galaxy's borders, the Expanse was a welcome reprieve from it all. A place far removed from the perpetual squabbles of his extended kin and their Jedi counterparts. There, he could live out his ambitions and build something everlasting. Yet, the pursuit of eternity was not without its challenges. In fact, the quest for a perpetual tomorrow inspired a look back to the ancient past. The answers for the current dilemma were supposedly held deep within a slumbering fortress.
Upon a world long-forgotten by the pages of history.
Thus, at dawn, the stones were disrupted by a fissure. Lyrics of Dathomirian origin echoed into the morning air as power interrupted the quiet. Emerald light formed the passage - and in but an instant the the disturbance departed as quickly as it had came. In its place did He stand. Rising to his full height, Darth Metus paused to flex his fingertips. Voyage by such tactics had their risks - such as losing a finger on the way in. Fortunately enough, he had arrived whole.
His attention then fell upon the mighty walls before him. Spires, overgrown by centuries of nature, met his sight. Walls and shattered bridges spanned all about. Navigating the ruins would take some time. Time that he thought he had in ample supply. But there was another noise which rose above the sounds of morning: that of engines slowing to a halt. The Sith tsk'd impatiently and strode forth towards the frontmost gate.
If at all possible, his work here was to remain quiet. And so, he moved discreetly. He could only hope that his discretion paid off in the long run.
It was not often that the Sith Lord departed from his Kingdom. However modest in the face of the modern Galaxy's borders, the Expanse was a welcome reprieve from it all. A place far removed from the perpetual squabbles of his extended kin and their Jedi counterparts. There, he could live out his ambitions and build something everlasting. Yet, the pursuit of eternity was not without its challenges. In fact, the quest for a perpetual tomorrow inspired a look back to the ancient past. The answers for the current dilemma were supposedly held deep within a slumbering fortress.
Upon a world long-forgotten by the pages of history.
Thus, at dawn, the stones were disrupted by a fissure. Lyrics of Dathomirian origin echoed into the morning air as power interrupted the quiet. Emerald light formed the passage - and in but an instant the the disturbance departed as quickly as it had came. In its place did He stand. Rising to his full height, Darth Metus paused to flex his fingertips. Voyage by such tactics had their risks - such as losing a finger on the way in. Fortunately enough, he had arrived whole.
His attention then fell upon the mighty walls before him. Spires, overgrown by centuries of nature, met his sight. Walls and shattered bridges spanned all about. Navigating the ruins would take some time. Time that he thought he had in ample supply. But there was another noise which rose above the sounds of morning: that of engines slowing to a halt. The Sith tsk'd impatiently and strode forth towards the frontmost gate.
If at all possible, his work here was to remain quiet. And so, he moved discreetly. He could only hope that his discretion paid off in the long run.