Vaudin Miir
Planetary President of Iktotch
@[member="Bard of the Hyperlanes"] @[member='Khantor Ruu'] @[member="Ayumi Pallopides"] @[member="Zarro Verres"] @Gaminara Bennet @[member="Jack Sparrow"]
I would like to have a few senators who are willing to be quoted in a report I am drawing up right now.
Just your current take on the Republics handling of recent events such as the many worlds that are joining the republic (Dominions) and the recent attack on the Jedi temple(Skirmish and response). Please send your comments to my data pad (PM me). Please name names and be specific if you can. I have already developed my own report and assessment and after I see the comments from your committees I will compile the full report and give you each a copy.
Thank you.
Vaudin Miir
Senator of Iktotchi
I would like to have a few senators who are willing to be quoted in a report I am drawing up right now.
Just your current take on the Republics handling of recent events such as the many worlds that are joining the republic (Dominions) and the recent attack on the Jedi temple(Skirmish and response). Please send your comments to my data pad (PM me). Please name names and be specific if you can. I have already developed my own report and assessment and after I see the comments from your committees I will compile the full report and give you each a copy.
Thank you.
Vaudin Miir
Senator of Iktotchi