Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Internet Broke


The internet by my house seems to have entirely crashed and I have tried accessing from multiple devices and routers. I figure it could be minutes or hours or days before it is back up again. I am entirely karking piased off as poodoo because I was literally in the process of waiting for a long post to submit before it went out, and the post never went through.

I hate, with a fiery reviling passion, posting from a phone so I apologize that all of my threads might be stalled for a day or two.
If problems persist, contact your local internet provider.

Actual advice:
Sometimes replacing the router works. My house had to just a few weeks ago. Our internet was flipping on and off for days.
Got a new one and bam! it worked again.


Well-Known Member
Turn it on and off again.
-IT level advice here-

*Real advice*

Reset router, unplug, plug in, reset again.
Worked for me when our town was ripping up cables :p


Like I said, I tried multiple devices and routers, so sufficed to say, I unplugged it and plugged it back in. :p

That said, I checked the packets and they were sending (scarcely) but not receiving, and the signal strength was on par. It turns out it's provider-side and local. I'm back up... for now, anyways. No telling if it will go back down again, but it should be stable from what I understand.

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