Sirak Kolar
Balagoth's Herald
The ship slowly roared to life, lifting it's massive weight up and out of Bosph's atmosphere. After all the fighting, the blood, the gore, Ebon walked away with minimal injury and more more knowledge of what needed to be done as the servant of Balagoth. After undoing what little armor he had on, and dressing the wound he took to the thigh from the Bounty Hunter present, he brought his attention to the few he had captured.
While Coryn Raxis may have been out of it, and wouldn't awake for some time, he had captured another Jedi known as [member="Kail Myn"]. Both were padawans, this was true, but each had their own masters and their own knowledge. Clipping his lightsaber to his belt, he wandered through the darkness of the ship to the holding room he jury rigged for the young padawan female. As he climbed the ladder, he looked up to her as she was chained with her hands above her head to a random support beam in the middle of the small room.
The room itself was murky, and stank of spice. It hadn't been cleaned in years, that much was obvious. Ebon stood to his full height before her as the light clicked on with a distance shutter. The light flickered on and off before coming to life, bathing them both in it's warmth.
Ebon's words spoke quietly, each carefully crafted to intimidate as he came to eye level with her, his warmth breath reeking of death and bathing over her skin.
"What a fight you put up, Padawan. What do your masters will think of this failure?"
[member="Kail Myn"]
While Coryn Raxis may have been out of it, and wouldn't awake for some time, he had captured another Jedi known as [member="Kail Myn"]. Both were padawans, this was true, but each had their own masters and their own knowledge. Clipping his lightsaber to his belt, he wandered through the darkness of the ship to the holding room he jury rigged for the young padawan female. As he climbed the ladder, he looked up to her as she was chained with her hands above her head to a random support beam in the middle of the small room.
The room itself was murky, and stank of spice. It hadn't been cleaned in years, that much was obvious. Ebon stood to his full height before her as the light clicked on with a distance shutter. The light flickered on and off before coming to life, bathing them both in it's warmth.
Ebon's words spoke quietly, each carefully crafted to intimidate as he came to eye level with her, his warmth breath reeking of death and bathing over her skin.
"What a fight you put up, Padawan. What do your masters will think of this failure?"
[member="Kail Myn"]