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Open Market Interstellar Starship Technologies (New)

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S





The Interstellar Shipping was a freight service that began nearly a millennia ago, usually operating out of the Tion Hegemony. In the last decade, the company came into some financial trouble and was on the cusp of bankruptcy. Conveniently (perhaps a bit too conveniently), Malicar and a group of private investors were there to make a buy offer on the company. With little choice, the executives of Interstellar Shipping sold the company.

Since that time, Interstellar Shipping has grown rapidly. With a bit of rebranding, using the Arkanian Dragon as its logo, IST has filled many niches in the starship construction industry. Preferring to keep some of their proprietary technology "inhouse" for financial reasons, the subsidiary Interstellar Starship Technologies was created.

After the military coup attempt, an assassination also took place on the HQ of Malicar's company. The chiss man was also there at the blast. Presumably he died in the incident. After the incident, the HPI Consortium acquired the company relatively cheaply, leaving ownership of Interstellar Shipping within the Eternal Empire.


Interstellar Shipping (IS) has been a company for centuries. Malicar manipulated the financial difficulties that IS ran into with the intent to take over the company and use this legitimate business as a source of income, but mainly to have a legitimate business company to launder all of the credits earned by his underworld activities.

In recent years, Interstellar Starship Technologies has distanced themselves from the criminal tie-in as demand for their products has risen. The company has recently seen some success in the starship market and is now flourishing in contracted ship production and modification. Interstellar Starship Technologies has made forays into starfighters, light freighters, corvettes, various yachts, passenger vessels, frigates, cruisers, etc. On a limited basis, they have helped design star destroyers and space stations.

Their "Enhancement Division" is well known for the custom modifications to existing ships, which also can be contracted for ship security systems, electronic warfare systems, control systems, luxury accommodations, and much more.

After his alleged death (disappearance), the HPI Consortium also continued on the path previously set by Malicar Malicar .


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