Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Interview! [PM to Join]

"Coming to you live, from the beautiful plains of Anobis!" Crystal clear transmissions ran every which way, an open broadcast for all of the galaxy to hear."We're looking lightly cloudy in the mid-west of a populated Anobis village, with a light chance of cool weather in the evening, dropping as low as fifty six degrees Fahrenheit. That's thirteen degrees Celsius." A cool breeze ran outside, making light fields of grass shudder softly in a hum of nature.

"Today is a very special day, listeners," The sweet innocent voice continued, followed by a soft sip of a cup of brown, sweetened tea. "as today instead of the regular broadcast, we're allowing people to come about and tell us their personal stories. Now don't worry, I know you all love your music, so we are allowing those who have their favorites selected and ready to come forth."

Soft fluffy clouds rolled past pointy mountain tips and disappeared into the world behind them, leaving a peaceful scene of white tipped rock for eyes to graze upon. "So please, listeners in the system of Anobis, come visit! Our doors are open and the company is as friendly as it always is." Helen gently unfolded her legs from under herself and sat properly in one of the few golden orange chairs that laid about in the main room, looking to the hatch of her light freighter which stayed open, allowing the cool air to trickle in, and the natural light flood before it disappeared into a darker set of candles, which shined brightly, but still kept a moody appearance.

"The Cake Bake Radio ship is located at the left edge of the north-western village, dock 2, B-3. I'll be waiting!" The happy voice disconnected, and the regular smooth jazz played idly as Helen took another sip of tea, and closed her eyes for those wanting to come, to come.

[member="Vorian Adasca"]

This is a re-used starter.

Tyberius Fel

Rightful Galactic Emperor
Vorian Adasca found himself upon the wind swept plains and rolling hills of Anobis. It belonged to the 'Bright Jewel' sector -- a fitting name, for it was nothing less than a gemstone suspending within the great dark void of the galaxy. The Jedi Knight stood upright, examining a clump of dirt in hand. It was black, moist and fertile. The peoples of Anobis had good natural soil, but they could do with some fertilizer and perhaps some mechanization. The Jedi Knight sprinkled the dirt in a little baggie, and placed it in a sealed container with several other samples of the plant life and agricultural from the planet. Rolling his shoulders, Vorian caught a glimpse of the sun climbing above the horizon. Surveying the sight for a moment, he pivoted on a heel and headed back to the nearest port city.

People to come about and tell their personal stories? Vorian stroked his chin contemplatively as his comms picked up the signal. To many people in the galaxy, Jedi were nothing but a myth, distant shadows morphed by the latest piece of propaganda or local rumor. Of course, ignorance bred misunderstanding oft gave away to hatred. Perhaps he'd let the people of Anobis and the surrounding sectors actually hear a Jedi speak, get to know the men behind the enigmas, they would be more disposed to aid his ilk in the future. Vain? Perhaps, but he had plenty of free time between his ecological surveys.

Like a tall, silvery shadow, Vorian slipped into the 'Cake Bake' Radio ship. With a genuine, earnest smile, Vorian bowed his upper body to the brunette, bespeckled woman apparently incharge of the whole operation. "Greetings. I am Jedi Knight Vorian Adasca of the Galactic Republic. I was interested in your offer." He arched a eyebrow. "Surely you won't turn away a Jedi away?"

[member="Helen Louie"]
Racist. That was a plain word for what Helen was at times. Who could blame her? She was a news reporter! It's her job to believe everything she hears, and enforce it by means of adding on several words of personal opinions! Already, but a few weeks into the job, and she had heard and borrowed some stories from people who claimed to move a force of life around in their hand. One even demonstrated some weird mechanical electric coming from his fingertips. Though Helen never got to see what it really was, she was promptly sure it was a myth that could never be solved.

The radioist's eyes fluttered open in soft surprise as the voice beckoned her attention to eagerly. She turned to look at the creature before her, and with that put her cup down on a silver platter with a small 'tink,' and motioned for one of the chairs surrounding the area. "Of course not. Please, do come in."

For a Jedi with a bare mental training, it was quite clear she was in disbelief, and excitement. Jedi were told to be a myth as well, but someone to claim to be one, to bring forth stories of being one, and to raise their brave voice in the worlds of war! That was something worth going through. Without stopping her motions, she pulled a holopad from her side and slid it over a sparkling new radio table, the same that held her drink. "You can choose anything you'd like," She explained, pointing to the various teas and cakes set for order on the pad. "Whenever you're ready, I'll turn on the broadcast."

[member="Vorian Adasca"]

Tyberius Fel

Rightful Galactic Emperor
"Thank you." Replied the consular with a frank nod as he seated himself.

Vorian brushed a lock of his loose, silvery hair out of dual white orbs implanted within eye sockets as his mind pondered what exactly he could say. The Arkanian had hardly prepared to make any sort of speech or anything of the like, though he supposed there was little opportunity to back out now. After a brief pause, the Jedi Knight nodded to the radio host. "You may turn on the broadcast." Presuming she complied, Vorian cleared his throat and arched his neck to lean into a microphone. Due to the genetic modification and selective breeding, Vorian stood at quite a impressive height, which had the occasional downside of forcing him to bend and twist at awkward angles to reach devices likely intended for shorter statures.

Vorian opened his mouth to speak, before realizing that this little woman likely intended to perform a introduction, as radio hosts tended to do.

[member="Helen Louie"]
What a wonderful timing, as well. Helen smiled politely as the music just turned off of the radio, and she flipped a switch, just as the finishing tone drew out into silence. After just a second, she adjusted in her seat. "Hello, listeners! Coming to you live from Anobis, I am sitting here with today's very first guest. In hope, he will have a story, or perhaps a song for us to listen to. How are you today, Vorian?" She asked quietly, knowing well he had some thing to say.

It was going to turn out to be a very good evening, in her standards.

[member="Vorian Adasca"]

Tyberius Fel

Rightful Galactic Emperor
Vorian cleared his throat and nodded his thanks to his host.

"Hello, I am Jedi Knight Vorian Adasca of the Galactic Republic." Vorian knew how to speak, and he knew how to speak well. Charisma came almost naturally to the Arkanian.. and yet still; he had never spoken to such a wide audience before. He could imagine hundred of thousands of families huddled around some primitive comms device or perhaps some agricultural worker casually tuning into his favorite broadcast while relaxing inbetween jobs. It was almost overwhelming, but the Arkanian managed to swallow the anxiety and continue. "I know many of you out there think the Jedi are a myth, or worse, cowards who abandoned you to the clutches of the Sith and other opportunistic warlords. That we're sitting safe in palaces, with food in our bellies and without a care of the galaxy..." Vorian stared straight forward, took in a shaky breath.

"My home world, Arkania is on the front lines of the conflict. Arkania is not a perfect world. It has it's slums, it's oppressed minorities and poor working conditions. But it also has it's bright minds, valiant hearts. It is a burning beacon of scientific progress, philosophy and intellectual advancement in a galaxy all too often shrouded in darkness." The Jedi Knight's intonation became that of defiant solidification, of a justified vindication. "I cannot speak for all of my brothers and sisters within the order, but I promise I will -- and have -- shed life and limb in defense of not only Arkania, but every single planet that yearns for freedom, for every single sentient creature that believes it is entitled to the sweat of it's brow without being treated like cattle 'neath the thumb of a Sith Lord. That, you can be ensured of." As if he had been holding his breath the entire time, Vorian's body relaxed with a exhale. He turned his two white orbs onto Helena.

"Any questions for my gracious host?"

[member="Helen Louie"]
Helen found herself slowly sipping a single cup of tea, and occasionally taking a noisy nibble from one of the small pastries she had ever laid out on the table before them. Her eyes flickered and glinted curiously as key moments of the Jedi's words spoke from his mouth. Truth be told, she never really got around to reading all of the stories or myths of Jedi, but with one so claiming to be before her, she found it was the perfect time for both herself and several others to know what exactly they were.

"I thought Sith were generally nice?" She questioned with a small purr in her voice, taking another bite from a creamy filled piece of sugary bread. "The last I recall, I've had a Sith on the show before, and they told us just how they give to the poor, homeless of the worlds. In fact, I do recall them mentioning Jedi were... poor, pathetic, and weak people who could not protect their own? Excuse my language, this is simply what I've heard!"

[member="Vorian Adasca"]

Tyberius Fel

Rightful Galactic Emperor
[member="Helen Louie"]

Of course Helen would not be dissimilar to any other news jockey in the sense that should would probe and innocently toss out some inflammatory statement that she 'heard.' Vorian expected as such, and replied with a smile, though his voice held subtle scorn.

"Perhaps you'd 'ought to question some refugees from Torgoria, displaced by the wanton violence and property destruction. I'm sure they would gladly tell you how 'nice' the Sith are." The Jedi Knight dismissed the entire concept with a flick of his hand. "I would not trust the words of those who judge others upon the basis of strength or wealth to begin with."
Helen grew a pair of wide eyes at the statement. So, politics on this one were one sided! She figured as much, as it came that most of them were like that. She slowly smiled and looked at her near empty tea cup before returning her gaze to the Jedi. "I'm sure we'll have a lot of comments about this after the show, Vorian. I will make sure to ask some of them in a future time, but as for now, may I ask a few questions regarding some destruction civilians and factions alike have claimed Jedi have caused?"

The seemingly kind woman began to flip through several battles on her holonet, some of which, in fact, the Jedi's acts and motions had caused such pain and disaster for civilians, even if it wasn't with the Jedi's original content.

[member="Vorian Adasca"]

Tyberius Fel

Rightful Galactic Emperor
Vorian paused a moment to mull over the woman's question. Truth be told, he had pondered the very same thing to himself upon more occasion than just one. This endless war between the Jedi and Sith had reduced countless worlds to ruin, turned beautiful plains and farmland into nothing more than smoking no man's lands, and more than once, had Jedi and Republican Forces caused collateral damage, most often taking the form of civilian casualties. Over the course of this grand galactic war, the number must have reached into the tens of millions... His eyes flashed over the numerous battle logs that the woman filed through on her holonet.

Would the killing ever end? Likely not in his lifetime.

"Of course." Responded Vorian with a smile.

[member="Helen Louie"]
"Alright. Now I don't mean to get on any of you Internet Justice Force's nerves or whatnot when I say this, but from what I can tell, on several occasions throughout the last few years torture, direct murder of families of innocent and guilty, and... lots of property damage has been done from Jedi actions. Rebellious causes, a show to show of power, sometimes plain ruthless and uncaringness. As a Jedi yourself, as I believe you told me you were, what would make the Sith worst, if not the same of Jedi? Why aren't they considered the good guys in your book?" The entire time Helen had her nose pressed up against the light green of an invisible humming datapad, looking up only at her finishing question.

[member="Vorian Adasca"]

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