Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Campaign Into Darkness II: The Depths

Normally a quiet soul, Nida’s silence was decidedly abnormal. At least it would be to Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield , who knew what as natural for Nida and what was not. She’d leaned on him in more ways than one since she’d dug a flurry of blows with the kal into the slaving Senator’s body, each one with enough force to end his life. The Mandalorian’s words drifted to her ears, but she could not make sense of them given the foreign vernacular of areutii and verd’goten.

To her surprise, Tulan Kor Tulan Kor took a seat on the crate next to her and spoke. She knew the Gunnery Sergeant to be a tough, troubled man who didn’t often show outward empathy, which was why she raised her head in surprise to him as he talked. The first time. This was the first time she had taken a life, and there was something sinister about the implication in his words, whether he’d intended it or not. Try as she might, she could not bring herself to fully believe that her actions were necessary, or that she’d done well in committing murder. She nodded to Tulan, grateful for his words which he’d mull over.

After she and Thirdas had returned from changing Nida into a fresh pair of clothes, Nida was in for another shock of the day as Kyra had seemingly materialized in front of the group. What hurt more than the crime itself she’d committed was the look of abject horror on her sister’s face. All at once, her blood rushed with adrenaline, spreading the anxious sensation to every nerve, every muscle and every organ in her body.

“Kyra, I-“ She lurched forward, grabbing her sister’s arms for support, voice dry with disuse. “You shouldn’t be here. Why are you here?” Panic surged through her veins as she realized that having Kyra here was the absolute last thing that she wanted. As the elder sister, Nida wanted to shoulder this burden alone.

But she wouldn’t have to, not with Thirdas. And more unexpectedly, with Tulan’s sacrifice. The footage may have made him the aggressor, but she was the one who’d ended the Senator’s life. And not in some quick, precise manner—the anger and force which she’d used had frightened her, never believing that she was capable of such things.

Letting go of her sister for a moment, Nida straightened and stepped forward after the others had said their goodbyes. “Thank you, Tulan.” A part of her had the urge to pull him into an embrace, but did not think it appropriate. Instead, she placed a hand on his shoulder, closed her eyes and reached out to the Force, willing his protection and good luck. “Please, be safe.”

Kyra Perl Kyra Perl | Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr | Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei | Vilaz Munin Vilaz Munin
Tulan words shook him. They all quickly boarded the ship. He ran over to the pilots seat and got them the nerf out of there. Honestly, he still had no idea what had happened in there. Why weren't the slaves coming back with them? And why did so many guards decided to attack? Once they were in the clear he put the ship on autopilot. Heading over to the rest of the group he stood, listening to what Tulan was about to say.

"This is my war. I lead you all down here. Into the part of the galaxy that you didn't want to see. So I will bear the responsibility. I will carry the weight. Nida- the footage makes me the aggressor. They'll be looking for me. They know my face. Thirdas, you're in the lead..."

The footage makes you look like the aggressor? Something went wrong on the mission. He could feel it. And they were all currently under fire for it.

"...of our trail. Admit nothing, deny everything, if you're captured. Blame it all on me- I can take it. Half of the galaxy is going to be looking for me. You all don't need that heat. We need to find Thal, and pull him out of the fire he's created. When we get to Coruscant, we'll land, and then you'll have about a quarter mile trek to where the Senator was supposed to be at. No doubt, Thal knows where that is, or might even be there himself. He lead us here. Let's find our boy and bring him back home."

Tulan took a long pause. They could all be in trouble, and the man knew it. They were all at risk. After the man had finished talking with a few people he decided to figure out what was going on.

"Tulan, something happened in there that I don't know about. Why did all of those guards go rushing in there? Something isnt right. We are in deep trouble, aren't we."

Before the man could reply he heard some shocked gasps coming from behind him. Quickly turning around he saw a suit standing there. The figure turned to reveal Kyra Perl. What is she doing here?

What the flying NERF was going on?!

Tulan Kor Tulan Kor | Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr | Nida Perl Nida Perl | Kyra Perl Kyra Perl | Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield | Amon Vizsla | Thal Mantis Thal Mantis | Vilaz Munin Vilaz Munin | Lancer Damar Lancer Damar
Tulan checked his watch. At this speed, they'd be at Coruscant in a few hours, if that. Horse was a speed demon, to say the least. Tulan looked at the young Jedi kid, crossing his arms, leaning back against the bulkhead of the ship. Tulan thought for a moment, before speaking.

"Kid, that's my burden to bear. The Senator's dead. He had a gun. Nida put him down. But the heat will be on me. Don't let anyone know you were here, kid. You got a bright future. Don't be dragged down INTO DARKNESS."

Tulan said, sighing, as he, for some reason, said the last bit loudly. He was about to elaborate- when out of nowhere, that little shit kid Kyra Perl Kyra Perl came a-shimmering out of the nothing. Tulan blinked a few times, but shook his head. They'd have bigger fish to fry once they got to Coruscant.

Tulan stopped and looked at everyone, before he sulked off, prepping to copy the hard drives and the data that Beltran collected, and his personal effects- the little that he had.


After just under two hours, the team landed at Coruscant. Tulan was the first to leave, lingering at the edge of the ramp, the gear he brought with him stowed away. He was going slick, with only a pistol- a Disruptor, at that, on him. He stared at the group for a while, knowing for the long time- maybe the last time, he'd be a Ranger, he'd be a Silver Jedi soldier, he'd be a good guy. The last time he'd tell Thirdas he did a good job. The last time that he'd get to see him be a soldier. The kid- The man had gone through a lot. The first time Tulan Kor met Thirdas Heavenshield, he thought him nothing more than a stuck-up kid riding on the coattails of his father's legacy, using his family name to get ahead.

Tulan Kor, was wrong.

Thirdas Heavenshield was just as much of a soldier as he was. Maybe even better.

Beltran Rarr- was one of the finer examples of tenacity in the galaxy. He'd always remember his indomitable spirit, and his result-oriented mind. He always put the mission first. Beltran Rarr was a fine example of a Ranger, even among the best.

Nida Perl was a good example of a Jedi. Kind-hearted. Conscious of those around her. A truly devoted woman, caring to all things. He wished he could've been there for her growth. He looked between Thirdas and Nida. They fit each other- they balanced each other, gave each other strength in their own ways. He smiled, briefly.

Kyra got a stare. He didn't not hate her, but he wasn't happy she was here. He'd yell at her some other time. If there was another time.

Okkeus- as young as he was, did well for his first time outside the wire, off the grid. And he seemed eager to do the right thing, to help people. Maybe he could help Thal more than Tulan could.

Amon- well. He knew he'd see Amon again. He had a funny feeling, not based on anything but chance and life itself. Amon and Tulan were bound by some destiny. Maybe Amon to Tulan's, or Tulan's to Amon's. At some point, they'd find out why their paths crossed so many times. Some day. But for now, Tulan gave the Mandalorian a nod as he himself departed.

"Find our boy. Bring him home. He helped a lot of people- he deserves to come home. Help him. He needs you all."

He turned, facing the group, sharply, at attention. His right hand came up, giving them a crisp salute. Tulan was never one for ceremony, or practice or drill.

But they all deserved it, and they'd be the last to get it.

Master Sergeant Tulan Kor, of Dorn Company- gave his final salute as a Ranger. His foot departed the ship, touching the platform. Within moments, Tulan's innate ability to blend into crowds made him disappear into the swarms of dockworkers and aliens, steam, and dimly-lit Coruscant streets. And then- only silence remained while the Team was left with only an open ramp, and a goal.

Save Thal from himself, and the darkness that threatened to grip him. He did a lot of good- it was time that he did good for himself, for a change.

And only the people left on the ship were the ones who could save him.

As Tulan liked to say-

"No one else is coming. It's up to us."

A mere vibroknife wouldn’t do much against Mandalorian armor forged in beskar. The qualities of Vilaz’s armor was his ability to deflect melee attacks as those of swords, knifes, and even lightsabers without suffering a wound. Were he outside of his armor he would have received terrible wounds. Vilaz opted for a technique that would catch this assailant by surprise. The man was skilled and cruel, but the Mandalorian could outmatch his cruelty.

Parrying a strike from the knife, with his left hand, threw a punch at Lancer’s body; however, the momentum of the punch was broken as Vilaz halted himself. What came next was crimson fire spewing from his left wrist with Lancer as a feast for the flames. Let him be consumed by them. If possible, Vilaz would just waste the whole canister of fuel on the man should he panic and flinch at his own wounds.

“Have some.”


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