Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Into Exile I Go!


Hey everyone, I gathered you all here today for a wee' talk. I'll be wrapping things up. University has started for me, and well, my previous estimations were blown out of the water. I'll be a lot busier than I previously thought, and I can no longer devote my brain power to this community. So, unfortunately, I shall be leaving.

That said, I've thoroughly enjoyed my time here. My only disappointment is not sticking around long enough to see the Galactic Event (I've never been able to experience one, as I arrived shortly after the previous one, and I'm now leaving just before the next... talk about timing!). This place has a lot of drama, and a lot of people leave because of it. I've been in a lot of communities, a lot. Just ask [member="Logan of Little Coruscant"] who has stuck with me through thick and thin since '11. My only advice is don't leave because of drama. No matter where you go, it'll always be there. No community is without it, and personally, this is probably the most drama-free site I've been on thus far.

Also, NFU's are kickass.

I'll see you guys later.
Much love.
You already told me this on Skype, but nonetheless I'll still leave something here too!

It sucks that you gotta go LOA but it takes guts to get your priorities straight sometimes, so as I always say...

Do what you gotta do, we'll be here when you get back :)


Morality Policeman :)
Lysle of the Hydian Way said:
Also, NFU's are kickass.
I have never seen so much truth in a post. :'(

Farewell, Lysle. You'll be missed greatly here. I think I can speak for many people when I say that you made this board a better place for us.

May the Force be with you.
[member="Lysle of the Hydian Way"]

I will be sad to see you go. You're a great writer, storyteller, and creative thinker. Seriously, dude, you come up with the kind of ideas that make me go, "Damn, I wish I thought of that."

I'm still honored that you handed off the torch of the Red Ravens to me. I'm sure I speak for your Raven brothers and sisters when I say that we're all here if you ever want to come back.

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